bracelets are both accessories and survival tools for outdoor recreationists. Practical, colorful and arguably, even stylish, these symbols of outdoor lifestyle allow you to carry 10 ft. of cordage right on your wrist, cord that can be used as a shoelace, a can koozie, to build a raft, construct a shelter, hang a bear bag, lash a backcountry splint or attach items to a pack or your back, to name a few. The Internet is full of different styles and ways to knot the paracord, but the cobra weave is one of the simplest and most popular methods. {insert images of paracord bracelet} You never know when you may need to…
She goes out around 10 PM. She brings the book, flashlight, blanket, and first aid kit. Florence sneaks outside her house and down the block where she is safe. She then pulls out her book and reads the directions. The directions say to start outside the city walls. Then head North to a cave. Next knock on the cave. The cave should open. Go in and find the wise owl sitting on a branch. Florence follows the directions and finds the owl. She tells the owl that she read about the magical…
Lesson 4: Know Your Four Basic Survival Necessities Food is an obvious necessity and it’s important that you have options for obtaining food that does not involve credit or cash. Too many Americans believe it is sufficient to have some cash on hand to make purchases in the event of ATM outages, but in the event of a disaster, food may quickly become scarce and very expensive. You can protect yourself and your family from food insecurity by storing as much food as possible. You will need food…
2012 was his year, except the next three years after that were horrible for everyone. He had everything a person could want. Fame, money, and power, but he lost it all. His mistake would ruin everything, his cities respect, his city's reputation, his country's reputation, and his reputation. Everyone looked up to him, he gave the people hope, he was loved by everyone, so sad all the power he had, went to his head. When he wasn’t so famous and powerful, he was simply, humble. When the people…
Strategy outline of Waitomo Adventure’s Survival Course What’s being proposed? I am proposing an idea called ‘Survival of the wilder worms’ held at Waitomo adventure’s ltd as I know they have a lot of bush land for this to be held there. I would like to propose to the owner of Waitomo Adventures this as it would benefit their company by having an extra activity for groups to take part in. What you will learn is how to build a natural shelter, light lasting fires, build a search and rescue…
If you look beyond that you see an open opportunity to explore. Exploration for me is learning as you travel. You see how things work or how things live. Mountain Men like Kit were the best at it. They were so good at it that they would get to guide other explorers like John Freedmont. Kit guided John through the great basin, Oregon, and California. If it wasn’t for Kit the United States wouldn’t be the size it is today. John even described Kit as having supernatural powers. Most would think of…
The first couple steps were bumpy, my trembling feet vibrated against the crackling floor. The door swung open as I went to knock. SCREEEEEECH! As I walked into the unfamiliar home, I became more aware of the man I was about to meet. As the stairs appear from the darkness, my path lit up ahead of me. The shaded man sat on his spinning stool. “Come in, come in.” The rumbling of the drums came to a stop. His heart and soul still played to the beat of the music, showed me the artist inside.…
Whiplash: A Path of Self-Destruction Whiplash directed by Damien Chazelle, perfectly entails the journey of one’s self-destructive path to greatness. Set in a modern day music school, Andrew Niemen, an ambitious jazz drummer wanting to become “One of the greats” is met with an opportunity to join studio band with a well-known teacher Fletcher. A psychological mind warfare ensues between the two with Fletcher pushing Andrew to his limits ultimately setting him on his path of self-destruction.…
The African Djembe was said to be created in the 12th century; it’s considered one of the most versatile and boundless drumming instruments on the earth (Drum Africa). A Guinean drum that is played throughout Africa that is known to resemble the figure of a woman with it’s round upper half, small waist, and large lower half is called the Djembe drum. This unique drum was created by Blacksmiths from the caste Manlike in Guinea; with its exclusive sound spectrum the djembe produces a strong…
In the article, “Kit Kat garners positive PR for campus theft response” by Kevin Allen, discusses how Kit Kat took advantage of a viral story on social media that involved their brand. The whole story started when a college student had posted a picture on Twitter about how someone had left a note in their car because they had broken into the car and stolen the person’s Kit Kat. The photo of the note quickly went viral all across social media with shares, likes and comments. Kit Kat then tweeted…