Have you ever seen The Simpsons on TV and saw Stephen Hawking in one of the episodes in that show? Believe it or not, one of the most famous physicists of the 20th century was presented on one of the popular animated comedies in America, The Simpsons. His presence on the show was comical but Stephen Hawking was more than a made up animated character, he was an actual person with a brilliant mind. Although Stephen Hawking has a disability of motor neurone disease, he was able to continue his work and amaze us all with his theories related to the universe. Stephen Hawking has great potential and his achievements were recognized and ranked along with the most talented scientist in history, like Albert Einstein and Sir isaac Newton. Stephen Hawking…
and succeed at,” said Stephen Hawking. Stephen is one of the most brilliant scientists of the 20th and 21st centuries. Hawking is most known for his work in black holes, and cosmology. He also done many other things as well, he has written many books, and has taught as a professor at several universities. Stephen Hawking was born on January, 8, 1942 in Oxford, England. His parents were both well educated, and knowledgeable people. Both his mom and dad went to college at the University of…
Theory of Surviving: Stephen Hawking and his battle with ALS. Some diseases can kill you within days, some can cause pain for years. Some diseases are curable, some are not. ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a disease where it slowly melts your body muscles like a candle. ALS was widely discovered by Americans whenever beloved baseball player Lou Gehrig contracted it (RVWfoundation.org, Biography). ALS also affected another famous figure, the one who I am writing this paper about, Stephen…
Braxton O’Dell Mrs.Ward Research Project 2 November 2014 Stephen Hawking and his Struggles with ALS What exactly is ALS? It has become one of the most popular topics in the media over the last year. All what seems to come to mind when you think about ALS is people dumping buckets of ice and water over their heads but it’s something much more than that. ALS is an illness referred to as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease,” or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. The medical definition of ALS is, “a progressive…
To infinity, and beyond!: Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking is an individual who provided some insight on the questions of the universe. At the time of Hawking’s adolescence, space and anything beyond our solar system baffled scientists, they had no idea or if they thought they had an idea, it was more sci-fi than actual science. Without Hawking’s findings, we most likely wouldn’t have the space technology we do today. Stephen Hawking impacted the way people see theoretical physics, black holes,…
Stephen Hawking, a brilliant man who lives with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Born in Oxford, England on January 8th, 1942. Son of Frank Hawking and a philosophy .Isobel Hawking. Diagnosed at the age of 21 with ALS Stephen Hawking started to lose hope after 2 years of losing his nerves and being able to do daily functions of life, his symptoms started to slow down very drastically and steadied out for him and he took this as a sign to start his life up again. Soon meeting a women Jane Wilde, and…
Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) at age 21, but that didn't stop his mind from changing the world. On January 8, 1942, 300 years after the death of one of the most famous astronomers, Galileo Galilei, Hawking was born. When Stephen was a boy he would take apart watches and other gadgets. He was curious to see how things worked. Hawking always had a love for the sky. In school, he was not the best student, but he still was accepted into the advanced classes.…
English II 2 November 2014 Stephen Hawking "Cosmologist Stephen Hawking is regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since Albert Einstein." (Stephen Hawking Biography). However, he is destined for death... Stephen Hawking is a cosmologist, physicist, and profound author who was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, better known as Lou Gehrig 's disease or ALS. Even though he was diagnosed with a terminal disease, this did not stop Hawking from becoming one of the…
Kitty Ferguson’s biography Stephen Hawking: An Unfettered Mind and the fictional novel The Genome by Sergei Lukyanenko the protagonists Stephen Hawking and Alex Romanov share many qualities and similarities about how they work, in their respective fields of work, and how they handle situations when introducing a new concept or flying a spacecraft. Not only do these characters show that intelligence and an open mind are required for a successful career in science, but that risk-taking is a big…
Stephen Hawking, one of the most respected physicist, was born on January 8th 1942 in Oxford, England. A majority of people believe the reason why Stephen Hawking is successful is because he was brilliant. Without a doubt this is true, but there are numerous other factors that lead him to become an author and a respected physicist. The award winning book titled Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell explains that success is not solely due to hard work and determination. He explains the advantages by…