mainly about how these people use plasma to their advantage. He talks about how schools never teach us about plasma, how it 's the fourth state of matter, and how 99% of the universe is plasma. I want to learn how plasma is used on earth, why they don’t teach about plasma in school and the benefit of plasma in the universe. Plasma, the state of matter, is the most common form of…
41. What is the Innermost Essence of ‘MATERIALIZATION’ & ‘DEMATERIALIZATION’? • An average Terrestrial Man was puzzling and at the same time fascinated by phenomena of Materialization or Manifestation which is Appearance or Creation of (Living) Matter from an unknown source, and even more with ‘Teleportation’. The last is Dematerialization and Re-materialization which is a ‘transfer’ of Matter or Living Body from ‘point A’ to ‘point B’ without traversing Physical space between them. Per…
27. What is a Difference between Lifeless and Animated Matter? • There are two aspects of life. When we perceive something as ‘substance’ it is in reality something “living” from “THE ASPECT OF SUBSTANCE”. When we perceive something as alive it is, in reality, the substance we see from “THE ASPECT OF LIFE”. The ability to feel life from “THE ASPECT OF SUBSTANCE” have PRIMITIVE stages of development. The ability to SENSE The Substance from “THE ASPECT OF LIFE” have beings on the threshold of “The…
Figure 1: This line graph represents the prune’s weight in grams, in each beaker, over time. The prunes initial weight were all different, ranging from the heaviest prune in Beaker A, middleweight in Beaker B, and lowest weight in Beaker C. The weight of the prune in Beaker A increased at the fastest rate, followed by Beaker B and then Beaker C. Figure 2: This line graph represents the temperature of the water in each beaker, over time. The water’s initial temperature were all different,…
“Katie slipped on a pair of beat- up converses sneakers. The chest of drawers stood largely empty and there was almost no food in the kitchen but as she stepped out of the house and into the sunshine and headed towards the store, she thought to herself, this is home. Drawing in a deeply scented breath of hyacinth and fresh- cut grass, she knew she hadn't been happier in years “ . (Sparks) Katie is finally happy she found a safe haven, safer place to live. Katie is learning to be independent and…
Throughout the story we see a correlation between the imagery that is used to describe the summer house and the narrators mental state. The very first thing we are introduced to is the house and how beautiful it is, yet she describes it to have an intangible quality that is off putting to the narrator. We then learn of her condition, diagnosed by her husband as “temporary nervous depression”, and get our first glimpse of her oppressive relationship leaving you with the feeling that there is…
Life can bring a person down. When someone finally thinks it cannot get worse, life throws another curve ball. In the article “The Fourth State of Matter” by Jo Ann Beard, Beard is falling on trouble times and it does not get any easier. Her article tells a part of her life where her husband has left. her old dog is dying, and her friend shot died. Beard begins telling her story about the struggles of her old dog and how the it is close to death. She has a collie who cannot walk very well, who…
from Fuentes's chapter and McIntosh's article to make an argument explaining how "race still matters" – or does not matter – in the U.S.A. today. Move beyond the issues and examples that Fuentes discusses to extend and/or challenge Fuentes's thinking. Race still matters in the United States, however, it should not be an ongoing issue that continues to separate us from being equal. Social class, education status, sexuality, nationality, and gender are all factors that tend to play a substantial…
The article Benefits of Hunting, Hunting Matters! States, “Hunter dollars not only benefit the hunting industry but also provide badly-needed revenue throughout many of the rural areas of our state. Many of the small ‘mom and pop’ stores, motels, gas stations, and other establishments deeply appreciate hunter dollars” ( California Wildlife Department). The basis is that all the money from hunting goes to all the small businesses so they can keep thriving and selling products.…
Elizabeth Lee James Poland CHEM 104A 21 September 2014 Discussion and Conclusion of Experiment #4: States of Matter Sleuth Discussion The results of this experiment enabled the experimenter to determine the identity of an unknown salt (#3) using ion-exchange chromatography by analyzing the inorganic salts of the unknown salt, which can be examined by acid-base titration using ion-exchange resin. The stationary phase is made up of acid groups which will attach to the resin, which is then rinsed…