Are Professional Athletes Overpaid? Are professional athletes overpaid? This question is asked around schools, work places, and homes everywhere. Many people in the United States would agree that yes, professional athletes are overpaid. Everyday many individuals hear about another mega multi-million dollar contract for a professional athlete. For example, in 2014 Miami Marlins right-fielder Giancarlo Stanton signed a 13 year, 325 million dollar contract (“Giancarlo Stanton”). Although one of the biggest contracts in major sports league history, the size of this contract does not take away from the fact the average professional athlete across the United States in the three major sports (baseball, basketball, and football) makes 3.4 million dollars per year (Woodworth pp. 3-4). Not to mention the lucrative contracts of European soccer players. Why do professional athletes make so much money? Why do these people playing games make more than doctors, teachers, public servicemen, and military personnel? The answer is they should not. Professional athletes should not be paid so extravagantly because most do not have a college degree; they do not contribute to society in the same magnitude as doctors, firemen, teachers, military personnel, or police officers; and the money paid to said athletes could be put to better use. Professional athletes should not be paid so extravagantly because many professional athletes do not even have college degrees. Most attend college for only…
Compensation for College Athletes Sports now a days are being put in the limelight for problems that have been arising with the organizations involved in sports. Especially with the athletes associated with the sport. People see athletes as overpaid, glorified men, but what they do is intense and a lot of hard work. They need to go through intense training and most athletes had to start playing and perfecting the sport at a young age. What they do might seem like a dream job and easy, but what…
Professional sports leagues and Domestic violence. Domestic Violence: Are Professional Athletes Getting Off Too Easy? Have you ever heard of Ray…
America is what many would consider a sports crazy place. If you are as big of a sports fan as myself you would know that during the calendar year there is only a 4-day stretch in which no major sports are played, and during this time ESPN hosts their annual sports awards show. It’s obvious to the world that we Americans take our sports very seriously. However, the only thing more famous than the sports teams themselves would be the athletes who get paid millions of dollars a year to play for…
Many people think performance enhancers create only positive outcomes for an athlete, but do they? Everyone has heard of professional athletes using steroids, but for high school athletes, it is hard for them to get acquire steroids. Since they can’t get steroids, they turn to other performance enhancers, such as Adderall, which gives athletes higher energy levels than they would have without them. Another drug used by athletes is Hydrocodone, which is used to take the pain away. They use this…
Wesley Walker, a 59 year old ex-football player, says he feels like an old man according to He was once known to be as fast as the flash by his colleagues. The reason he feels like this is due to the many intense hits he sustained during his 13 year career. His body can sometimes daunt his choice to play football. This helps lead us to the question, are athletes overpaid? Many professional athletes get paid millions of dollars. Some people think that these athletes are…
Athletes get paid million of dollars a year. That’s more than doctors, and even the president. It may seem unfair, but the athletes deserve their pay. Some people think that these athletes are paid way too much. Others think that the athletes deserve it. Athletes need the money to pay for medical bills and enough to suffice for the rest of their lives. Athletes have short careers. Athletes work hard to inspire and entertain us. Athletes deserve their high salaries. Don’t you think? To…
Athletes are not paid enough Professional athletes donate large amounts of money to charities and sometimes sponsor events for the mentally challenged or kids with disabilities. The average player in professional sports such as (NHL, NFL, MLB, and NBA) makes an average of three million dollars a year. Tiger Woods donates about 85% of his annual salary to charity which is $66,404,000 of his $81,854,000. It is not just Tiger Woods who donates large amounts of money to charity its athletes from…
The amount of hate that famous people receive is absurd. People direct their anger towards these athletes just because of the large sums of money they earn for what they feel like is doing nothing. These people fail to realize how hard working people like athletes can be. Athletes struggle just like everybody else, but the difference is that the athletes are making more of a difference in the world than many other human beings. Because they serve as great role models, they are “elite” human…
Play and Get Paid Like a Girl To think it is normal to make less pay, receive less recognition, or to be declined a job position based on gender might sound like an absurd thought in today’s culture. Unfortunately, gender discrimination still exists in today’s society and is especially commonplace in women’s professional sports. Men appear to have led the way in success, talent and, agility in professional sports for as long as we can remember. However, the truth of it is many women athletes go…