Close call on Current River In the small town of Popular Bluff, Missouri, sun was brightly shining down on this hot summer morning, making it the optimum day to go tubbing down Current River. That morning there were about eight of us going tubbing, my stepfather Larry, two uncles, an aunt, my sister, my two brothers and I. We loaded up the car with the essentials that would be needed; then we loaded up into two vehicles and headed for the river. When we finally arrived at the water’s edge my brother John and I were so excited, we basically leapt out of the car before it came to a complete stop. Larry and my uncles unloaded the cars, while my Aunt Janet and Sister Lorena went to pick up the tubes. John and I decided to jump in the water to cool off while everybody else got everything ready for the trip down the river. We were all laughing and smiling all the while oblivious to the impending tragedy that lies ahead. The moment I jumped into that water, it brought such solace from the searing heat. The river itself was calm not so tenuous, but just enough force that I carried us down stream. Larry told my John and me that it is imperative to be particularly solicitous of our surroundings. Within in the river there are many depths, majority of the river is shallow, but then there are these dark blue almost black areas. The depths those areas are known to be extremely deep. John and I took this as an opportune time to climb up some rocky…
Not all Medals are made of Metal An icy and bitter mist surrounded me. The sun had secreted behind piles of looming clouds, while droplets of water dispensed from the sky. The track bore a vast expanse of puddles, and runners plunged their way through them. I was sitting in the dewy grass underneath the canopy of our tent. Rain trickled down the stadium steps as I heard the booming announcer eagerly bellow, “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the 2016 State Track and Field Meet.” My heart began to…
The first thing is that in the fight between the Socs and the Greasers all of a sudden right when they start fighting it starts to rain really hard. In the movie, the parents get killed by a train, but in the book the way of how their parents died is unknown. Two-Bit makes fun of the Socs while Ponyboy and Randy talk privately in the car about Randy not going to the brawl. Ironically, the end of the story is shown in the beginning of the movie. This is a little peculiar, but only occurs in the…
After booking the cheapest vacation we had ever booked it was time to go. My family and I were full of excitement crossing the Galveston Causeway, it was then we saw the cruise ship we were about to board after months of waiting. The Carnival Triumph looked massive as it was visible from miles away. The thirteen deck ship is a eight hundred nighty-three foot long. We could not wait to explore all of its wonders. Arriving to the port there so was much commotion. People were scrambling to make…
D.B. Cooper: The Unsolved Hijacking “Miss. You’d better look at that note. I have a bomb,”. This quote from Cooper is what began the infamous hijacking in 1971 (Gray). There is still plenty of debate about whether or not he survived the jump that enabled him to get away on that night. This debate stems from the plethora of facts that can back up either side of the story. Who knows how it has been over forty years with the case still open and still unsolved. Although it may never be proven…
Fear is an unpleasant emotion that subconsciously makes someone feel that possibly threatened or in some kind of danger. Whether it’s as little as being afraid of an animal or being afraid of heights, fear is something that causes a change in your brain telling you to run away and avoid it at all causes. Fear can come from anything and any type of experience. It can be from something as simple as getting bit or something major like almost dying. It’s an involuntary thing that can cause someone…
Birthdays are always special. Whether celebrated or not, one’s birthday will forever be a reminder of life and growth. I always like to celebrate my special day with friends and family. Cliché, I know. Which is why for my 18th birthday I decided to get risky. Thrill rides and adventures have always fed my soul, but going to an amusement park seemed overplayed. I wanted to do something new and exciting. Skydiving seemed like the perfect avenue for what my inner thrill-junkie craved. It was…
“Are you alright, Aarushi?” My mom questioned, she was mortified when she saw me limping across the pale floor, crying to get to her. She briskly ran towards me, along with my dad trying to help me get to the nearest bench. I was crying, my right foot felt like hot, gushing lava, burning from the inside out, constructing everything to feel like a third degree burn. Suddenly, everything in the world turned black. It was five fifty in the evening, cautiously waiting for it to turn six,…
We all react differently to the things that happens in our lifetime. While the certain events that take place do not define us as people, the way we react to those events do. Like for example, reacting to accidents. Accidents are a great example for this because they are almost completely at random. No one can ever predict or prevent from making accidents, it’s just human nature. While saying that, there are always 2 ways to react to an accident that has just happened. There is always a positive…
In the poems “Medusa” by Duffy and “The Laboratory” by Browning both authors explore the theme of jealousy and its destructive nature on people and society as a whole. In Duffy’s poem “Medusa” she critiques society on its treatment towards women, demonstrating how those without beauty are only corrupted with jealousy and how this behavior has survived through the ages. While Duffy focuses on the impacts of jealousy on the individual Browning looks towards its impacts on society, and its power to…