China has sought out to increase it geopolitics, by asserting its country historical claims using maritime order to have control of South China Sea, by attempting to take full authoritative control of Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands. In addition, China attempt in trying to be the sole power of the South China Sea has created tension with its neighboring countries. As China continues on with historical claims, conflict will be inevitable, hence making the four other surrounding East Asian countries to stop china from taking control of the South China Sea. The reason why China has so impatiently try to claim rights in regards to the island, is due to all the resources that around there, thus making it a profitable area. Taylor Fravel, wrote an article titled China Strategy in the South China Sea, in this article the issue with China and South China Sea is examine, presenting how China has claimed maritime rights over the Paracel and Spratly Islands in 1958. The issue with the South China Sea has always been present within the Southeast Asian countries, ever since world War ll, however conflict has been escalating. According to Leszek Buszynski, and his article The…
in is that which is centered in the South China Sea. To give some background and explanation, the South China Sea has all of the makings of a conflict that could with time escalate to being a serious armed confrontation. Essentially, China believes that it has territorial right to the ocean to it 's south, particularly to the billions of barrels of oil, and very large reserves of untapped natural gas which can be extracted underwater. The issue arises with China 's threatening action against any…
context of China and its maritime disputes in the South and East China Sea, particularly with the ongoing dispute between the Spratly, Paracel Islands in the South China Sea and Diaoyo/Senkaku Island in the East China Sea. Currently, there are six countries that lay overlapping claims to these islands, an area that is rich in natural resources and worth trillions of dollars of global trade flow. As China seeks to expand its maritime presence in the region, they have been met by growing…
impacts the entire international system. The South China Sea debacle has been rife with conflict for not only the claimants involved. China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and the Philippines are all tangled up in a dispute of territorial and jurisdictional claims over a vital and influential expanse of sea. Cooperation has been attempted, but a resolution has yet to be found. The South China Sea issue provides a perfect example of a security dilemma which has arisen as a result of defensive…
Territorial Disputes of the South China Sea While most people are focus on the conflict of the middle east, territorial disputes are heating up in the South China Sea. While these waters have remained international waters, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines all lay claim to many of the reefs and islands that are in the South China Sea. With claiming these reefs, many countries have created islands which they lay claim over. However, none of the countries have done this with…
Information Introduction The South China Sea is currently in the middle of a claims dispute between the surrounding countries of the area, these countries are Brunei, China, Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam. This marine area is highly sought after due to the resources it offers, for example, America and China are estimating the area is filled with oil reserves, however the estimated amounts are contradicting each other where America estimates 28 Billion barrels compared to China…
centuries, and more so the past decade, have monumentally impacted the relationship between China and the United States’ for both better and for worst. Today, China and the U.S. have evolved into two of the most elite super powers, and classify as some of the world’s most prominent leaders in economics, military, technology and overall innovation. Currently, the United States is just weeks away from electing their next president, cyber-attacks are being investigated and analyzed, and the South…
Why South China Sea is victim of disputes? The South China Sea is intentionally sited. It is sited in a way that it overlaps the main lanes of the sea between Asia, Middle East and the Europe. It becomes the main international way for sea trade and transportation, where most of the world’s largest traffic passes. As a global concern, the geopolitical and economic importance of the South China Sea lessens the secure navigation of tanks in water. The region plays a strategic maritime and military…
of these disputes is occurring in the South China Sea. It is a dispute between China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. According to, China claims the largest portion of territory on the South China Sea. They have many historical claims – some of which may be true, some of which may be false. Bejing states that centuries ago, the Paracel and Spratly island chains were considered parts of China, and in 1947, they issued a map (the nine-dash line) supporting its…
reality TV show, a realist, and a liberal discuss their view on the south china sea issue during one of the obligatory activities. Both scholars understand the impact anarchy has on international politics in the south china sea. Without an international government, there is no official authority that can moderate states actions at the international level. However, the impact of anarchy and the measures necessary to take for international cooperation are vastly different between the scholars. In…