One of the more neglected parts of the Bible is the Song of Songs (also called the Song of Solomon). Although it is easily found, right in the middle of the Bible, it is a book that is rarely read and hardly known; usually it is known to Muslims through just one verse, which we will come to later. Such neglect does not befit any of God's word, because as it says elsewhere in the Bible: “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16 The expression "Song of Songs" is a Hebrew idiom for "the best song". Whilst Solomon is named in this first verse, it is debatable whether this means that the song was written by him, for him, or, as is more likely, about him.…
claims that the Song of Song is a marker and by product of ancient biblical communal and theological identity with core values that upholds sexual purity and emphasizes the essentiality of desire within covenant love relationship. This paper suggests that Song is an anthology of love songs that emerged from the oral tradition; revised and refined over a period of centuries from 10th to 4th century B.C.E through a medium technology analogous to the shared internet; and edited and recasted in its…
The Song of Songs was first a carefully crafted collection of secular love poems celebrating the physical, sexual, and erotic love between man and woman. Later, Jewish and Christian custom transformed it into a beautiful manuscript of religious belief. This alteration was deemed necessary once the Song became part of the Bible because God is not cited in the book at all. In the often-quoted passage Song 8:6, one expression, in particular, can be translated as a reference to God or not: The last…
The Song of Songs, additionally referred to as the Song of Solomon, is predominantly known for its direct contrast to other sections located within the Old Testament. Its name ‘Song of Songs’ strongly implies that it is the most substantial of songs. When compared to separate portions placed in the Old Testament, differences such as the Song of Songs’ lack of vengeance, its use of poetic devices, and its enigmatic references to God is enhanced and highly emphasized. Although violence and…
In “Song of Soloman”, Morrison tells a remarkable story reflecting the absence of a father figure in African American homes. Instead of looking at the absence of the black man in a blackm family, she depicts this men not as traitors or deserters, but as strong, exploratory spirits providing a solid foundation for their children, even if his absence affects them. Morrison introduces the imagery of flight, using this to capture a vast foreshadowing to the family’s changing aspects of “Song of…
Most songs on the radio today consist of lyrics. When an artist sits down to create music they are channeling a certain experience they may have had in their life. Whether that experience is heartbreak or a new relationship, even something that happened in the past. They put their feelings and experiences into the lyrics of their song. Some lyrics may have multiple meanings. In Kelly Clarksons song “Piece by Piece” she sings about the pain she felt toward her father leaving when she was young…
This assignment include a comparison between a folk song and a pop song, both of them are part of beautiful and attractive music. From this assignment I feel like become closer to both of these two styles. First, when I listen to a folk song, I feel like listening a story. A story from long ago, with a group of people. The "group" could be as particular as a family, or a nation. Then, when I listen to a pop song, I feel more emotion in it than the history. My folk song is “Czechoslovakia Hey…
Some say music is the key to the soul, and the way music is turning in recent years many believe it is making a turn for the worse. Ten years ago with songs like, “We belong together” by Mariah Carey and “Let me love you” by Mario showed more thought and substance when it came to the concept of love and intimacy. The songs created in past years showed more conservation and used clever metaphors to insinuate sexual relations, rather than blatantly stating it. In more recent years, with songs like…
The song that I chose was “Sea” by BTS. The song holds a lot of meaning, to not just me, but to a lot of people worldwide. I chose this song because it has a lot of hidden meaning behind it, more than what we can observe. I feel like I can connect with this song because the song talks about how to think positive when your having a hard time, and I tend to do that. One of the lines that I feel has the biggest impact on me is, “Even if I’m nervous, even if I’m in a desert / I’m in the beautiful…
This song has been quintessence part of my life whenever I start a new chapter of my life for example; at age 18 I first join the army and being station in Korea. Being away from friends and family made me felt alone and afraid. Yet, the song has always found a way to help me stay optimism and confidence at mine decision that everything will be all right. Being happy with yourself and cherish of what you have, is a decision that has to be determinedly made. The song is recognized as a wedding…