In this report I will be discussing different causes which contribute to the population change of the snowshoe hare and lynx. The snowshoe hare is known for its constant decrease and increase in population density every 10 years. By looking at why and when they increase and decrease compared to when the lynx population decrease and increase we can see if the lynx depend of the hare as their main source of food. Snowshoe hares population began to drastically decline in 1831, due to the limited numbers of hare this caused the lynx’s population to decrease due to starvation and malnutrition. The decline in hares then happened every 10 years. Peak time of prey was in 1997-1999 due to highest rates of reproduction and lowest rates in mortality. During these summers hares would have three to four litters of young per summer, due to the r strategic breeding the hare’s population went up drastically as there was a lower percent of mortality in young.…
Inez has four grids, Spring Creek has three, Tally has nine, and Marcum Mountain has two. We began "Snowshoe Hare School" on June 11, 2016 by setting two of the Inez grids. According to Dr. Mills and his current graduate student, Brandon Davis, Inez is good to learn on before moving further northwest to Tally. Now that I have completed all the grids, I agree. Some of the first things we learned was the gear we needed and how to carry it all through the backwoods of Montana. Apples, alfalfa, bear…
We tumbled down the mountain slipping and sliding in the darkness we were moving with a purpose with new found strength and motivation we pushed on. We took our snowshoes off hoping to make better time by just sliding down the mountain rather than walking. As we approached our first river crossing I set down my pack and realized I had lost a snowshoe. Somewhere up the mountain I had dislodged it from my pack and before us was miles of deep snowfields that were totally impassable without…
The Dyatlov Pass incident refers to the mysterious unsolved deaths of nine ski hikers in the Northern Ural Mountains on February 2, 1959. Their bodies were found scattered and with weird markings and injuries on them. On February 2, February 1959 9 hikers were found dead by Russian search teams. Most of them had clothes on but some were stripped of their clothes in the frostbitten snow. One case was especially weird. Her name is Lyudmila Dubinina and she was found both naked and mutilated…
According to the International Snowmobiler Manufacturers Association, the average age of a snowmobiler is 44 years old, and there are over 3,000 snowmobile clubs worldwide involved in trail grooming and family activities (Snowmobiling). From the day I was born, I have been a part of a local snowmobile club because of my parents’ love and commitment for the sport. With over 3,000 active snowmobile clubs worldwide and at least 250 in Minnesota, there is the opportunity to become involved, but the…
The coyote is no exception and has relationships with dog, cat, and wolves. Cynodicits were all the above common ancestors, being about the size of a standard house cat. Coyotes have grown by about a 15% increase, whereas some dogs have grown to about a 200% or more increase. Coyotes have developed some of the best eyesight found in their territory, and that is because their prey regularly blends in with the natural surroundings, such as but not limited to the Antelope Jackrabbit, which is found…
Wonderland is as beautiful and colorful as she remembered, reminiscent of a masterpiece painting using colors selected by a child. Alice navigates through the dense forests, tall mushrooms and strange fauna. Alice navigates the path as if she’d done it every day of her life. Upon stumbling through a darker part on her path she all at once gets the sensation of being watched, a chill goes down her spine; the sense of someone breathing on her neck; the sound of faint whispers into her ear, yet she…
Spiralling is all the Hatter can feel. When he decided to jump UP the rabbit hole, in search of Alice, he had no idea what to expect. The hole itself is pitch black. But there is a pin prick of light, which is progressively getting bigger as he tumbles farther up. Wonderland is in shambles, the Queen of Hearts destructing all happiness in her wake. The Snow Queen was living prosperously before the Queen of Hearts overthrew her. The only person who has ever been able to save Wonderland is Alice.…
Begin typing your response here. “It was dark, very dark. I couldn’t see anything at first, let alone make out outlines of objects. All of a sudden it was as if I was opening my eyes for the first time, I could see everything all around me. The first thing I saw was a giant jar with the words ‘ORANGE MARMALADE’ printed on it, but to my great disappointment it was empty. Filled Bookshelves and cupboards lined the walls of the well. Maps and pictures made the well cosy. In the middle of the well…
Alice is trying to conform to Victorian societal norms and expectations. Although she is only seven, she blames herself when she doesn’t have an explanation for a problem when in reality she shouldn’t expect herself (nor should anyone else) expect her to know about of what is going on in Wonderland. Alice has developed neurosis and she is consistently punishes herself for behaving in an undesirable manner and continue to accept the societal norms as her own expectations of herself. Alice has to…