Simon Bolivar was a great liberator and excellent politician in Latin American. Under his wise leadership and advanced political thoughts, the Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela, Peru and Panama was liberated from the Spanish colonialism rule. He is ambitious a person wants to establish a liberal and democratic country where can bring the freely and equally right to people. Also, he thinks the global affairs require consultation and cooperation among all concerned parties, then he is dreaming to build a Latin American union which and help the each country of American-European continent to achieve the international and global justice. Even though Bolivar’s military strategies defeated many times in the revolution and did not achieve goal at his end of life, Bolivar still was a pioneer of liberator In Latin America and he dedicated his whole life and everything to the revolution, freedom, liberation and independence. In this paper, I will explore Bolivar how to help people freed from the colonial and his thoughts how to promote the contemporary Latin America. Bolivar was born in the wealthy family but his parents passed way when he was a little boy. Then he visiting the Europe to study arts, philosophy and literature to deep his understanding of social phenomena and relationship, and broad his outlook. In France, he witnessed the coronation of Napoleon and accepted the Europe advanced political thoughts of liberty, equality and revolution. So, he wants to do same thing in…
Simón Bolívar: A Life by John Lynch chronicles the life of the famous revolutionary Simón Bolívar, often known as “El Libertador”. The book begins by documenting Bolívar’s beginnings growing up in Venezuela. The book gives readers a relatable, intimate view of Bolívar’s early life, talking about his family, friends, and the neighborhood he grew up in. The importance of racial makeup and class status would be crucial in Bolívar’s upbringing, him being part of the wealthy mantuanos. His wealthy,…
The independence movement in Venezuela, like in other countries in Latin America, was a tumultuous one. Even after the achieval of independence, Venezuela still struggled to maintain a successful government. Before the independence movements, loyalty to the Spanish rule was the common sentiment; a loyalty that would continue even during the Peninsular War. This caused many revolutionaries like Simon Bolivar to resort to wear the mask of Fernando VII in the juntas due to the lack of support…
Sima Qian was a great historian for China during the Han Dynasty (141 - 87 BCE). Under Emperor Wu, he is credited with creating China’s first detailed and compiled history book. He lived from 145 to 86 BCE and made many great accomplishments in his life. His most notable accomplishment was writing a history book called Records of the Grand Historian, without this book the past would have disappeared with the people that lived it. The question that I’m going to be answering in this paper is…
help the peasant people. On the contrary, Sima Gaung wanted a limited central government with local systems to tend to the society because the local rulers would be well-acquainted with the local issues. Based on the state of the…
Herodotus and Sima Qian are known as two of the greatest historians of their time. In comparing each of their writings several different roles that women were meant to fill become clear. Although these vastly different cultures had limited contact, women in Greece and China were very similar during this time period. Each writer gives distinct evidence of women fulfilling, or denying the roles placed upon them as wives, mothers, daughters, oracles, soldiers, commanders, gifts, property, and…
expect to see a reduction in the viral titer in the DF-1 cells that are stably expressing viperin compared to the DF-1 cells that are transfected with an empty vector. Objective 4: Identification of the critical regions and residues important for duck viperin function and localization. Viperin consists of three distinct domains; an N-terminal domain that varies considerably between species and contains both an amphipathic helix and a leucine zipper domain; the N-terminal domain plays an…
For my service project I did two types of volunteering. One was being the president of Kilmer's Student Council Association (SCA). In SCA, a group of seventh and eighth grade students, including myself, got together about every other week, for an hour, to discuss, plan, and promote student events. Some of these events included student dances, holiday/seasonal games at lunch, fun runs, fundraisers and Kilmer Spirit Week. First, we would discuss what materials and how much time we would need to…
Clendinnen recounts the history of the Yucatan peninsula once the Spanish arrived. She splits her recounting into two sections: the Spanish’s perceptive and the Mayan’s perspective. Clendinnen’s recounting the Spanish side of history demonstrates a struggle not only between the Spanish and the new land and its inhabitants, but also the internal conflicts between the Spanish settlers and the friars. At first she tells us how the Spaniards’ interactions with the natives consisted of tribute…
The protein that is in sequence one is Alpha-synuclein. Alpha-synuclein is a protein whose function in the healthy brain is currently unknown (Alpha-synuclein and Parkinson's Disease, n.d.). Parkinson's disease researchers take great interest in it because it is a major constituent of Lewy bodies, which are protein clumps that are the pathological hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (Alpha-synuclein and Parkinson's Disease, n.d.). Researchers work to characterize the protein's role in Parkinson’s…