The 17th century is considered the Early Modern period of Europe. During this time, illegal sexual acts such as fornication or bawd were rampant. Brothels were extremely common and often written about in works of literature. Measure for Measure by Shakespeare is just one example of a piece of literature surrounding the idea of illegal sexual acts. However, the punishment for illegal sexual acts in Measure for Measure does not represent a completely accurate depiction of Vienna during the early 17th century. In the late 17th century, the Empress Maria Theresa made prostitution illegal and imposed fines, imprisonment, whipping and torture for violations. She also made it illegal to have females wear short dresses or be servants in taverns. During this time, citizens were used to seeing punishments inflicted on other citizens that were offenders against the laws. Sometimes, executions were used as public entertainment. Public whippings were also common for offences like sexual misdemeanors. Often times, church courts had the power to investigate and punish sexual transgressions like adultery. This sounds similar to what happens in Measure for Measure, but doesn’t represent the early 17th century.…
The sexual offences act [2003], is the most prominent piece of legislation surrounding the area of sexual offences, this legislation outlines the different type of offences and most importantly clarifies the components for criminal liability. This act for many people at the time was seen as the biggest reform of sexual offences legislation which has taken place in a generation. This indicates that it is difficult to discuss possible areas for reform without including possible reform for the…
What is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment is a type of sex separation that abuses Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to businesses with 15 or more representatives, including state and neighborhood governments. It likewise applies to livelihood offices and to work associations, and additionally to the government. Unwelcome sexual advances, demands for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this…
when Tom began kissing Sara. When Tom locked Sara against the wall and started kissing her it was a form of touching that was offensive and non-consensual. Sara didn’t give Tom permission to lock her against the wall or to kiss her. This incident involves sexual harassment (which is also a subsection of gender harassment in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) in the form of quid pro quo because it was “something in exchange for something else.” For example, Sara might have started…
28. How does sexual harassment have to do with the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Through interpretation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act during the late 1970s, the courts decided that sexual harassment was a form of discrimination. The courts recognized two forms of sexual harassment: “quid pro quo” harassment (implied threat wherein submission is “continued employment”), and “hostile environment” (offensive/intimidating employment conditions). After much debate, the courts ruled that sexual…
Language: Bill 23: Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act is a BC Provincial legislation that requires post-secondary institutions within BC to develop a sexual misconduct policy. These policies must address instances of sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism, “revenge porn”, and attempt and threats to commit acts of sexual misconduct (Bill 23, 2016). The policies implemented by post-secondary institutions must “include sexual misconduct prevention and…
Sexual minorities in Jamaica face pervasive discrimination. Articles 76, 77, and 79 of Jamaica’s Offences Against the Person Act, collectively referred to as the “buggery law”, introduced under British colonization, criminalize anal sex and acts of gross indecency between men (Offences Against the Person Act, 1864). Although the law criminalizes acts between men, and arrest under the law is rare, it is used to justify human rights violations against all sexual minorities (Human Rights First,…
Louise is a story about two women who decide to go on a trip, but it does not go as planned. The premise is a classic adventure story about friends who plan a great adventure; however, they hit bumps in the road, but the problems they endure help them define themselves. In the three act breakdown, act I is the planning of the trip to taking off on the trip, act II is the runaway from all their troubles, which leads to act III Thelma and Louise tries to escape and their official acceptance of an…
20 other students, who are also panicked about the same test you are about to take. The 20 other students in the classroom, however, are all from different economic classes, races, religions, and genders. Despite that, each and every one of you are grouped together to take the same test. The test administrator instructs you to begin, and every student, equipped with a #2 pencil, begins swiftly reading and vigorously filling in bubbles. You’re panicked and sweating because you know the test you…
. We all lose friends; it is inevitable. Despite our efforts, friends drift apart and move away, or we merely find other social groups that suit us. During this time, we may remain close friends or distant acquaintances with one another. We may even experience an outfall due to an argument or betrayal. In rare cases, unforgiveable actions thrash the line of friendship. Depending on the situation, every individual acts differently. Burdened by low self esteem and eternal struggles,…