Having abstinence only education as a form of sexual health education can lead women to be have problems in the future. As in the article “We need to raise awareness about female fertility before it is too late”, there is a nurse who mentions the importance for young people to be taught the biology of reproduction as a part of a sexual health education class (Denton 32). She states that there are women around their late thirties and early forties who are having a hard time conceiving (Denton 32). This was a result of young women not knowing the facts about reproduction, which let them to have a difficult time when they want to get pregnant. By informing children at a younger age using comprehensive sexual health education it will raise awareness…
November 2, 2015 Sexual Education According to the University of Kansas historian Jeffrey P. Morgan in his book Teaching, Sex, sexual education was first thought about in 1913 when Chicago public schools instituted a lecture series for girls and, separately, boys, on “physiology, moral hygiene and venereal disease” (Friedman). Americans have viewed adolescent sexuality as an impulse to be controlled or, better, repressed. Sex education has mainly aimed at saving teenage girls from early sex,…
Abstinence-only sexual education has been around for a while now and is focused, generally, on one of two types of messages regarding sexual activity: abstinence only or comprehensive sex education. Abstinence-only messages relay that sex should be delayed until marriage for a multitude of reasons including religion, teen pregnancy, and the spreading of sexually transmitted infections. However, there are many false claims in these programs in order to further push teenagers into accepting…
teenagers engaging in some type of sexual relations, only twenty-three states teach comprehensive sexual education. The remaining twenty-seven states teach abstinence-only in schools. “Comprehensive Sexual Education teaches about abstinence as the best method for evading sexually transmitted…
Where do babies come from? Many parents say the typical stork or otherwise, but what happens in a couple years when their child is genuinely curious? Can parents and guardians rely on public school to offer quality sexual education? Most of the sex ed programs in schools today provide ambiguous, often overlooked and varied sexual education. Sexual education in the United States has many problems regarding standardization and content that can be dealt with by passing federal laws and providing…
Sexual education is the process of obtaining information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, and intimacy. Sex education is also about developing skills for young people so that they make informed choices about their behavior. It is important for sex education to begin at a young age. Giving young people basic information from an early age provides the foundation on which more complex knowledge is built up over the years as they go in to their adolescent years. The education they…
unsafe sex, such as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), or unintended pregnancies, they could be vulnerable to make poor decisions that will change their life forever. The most effective way to get this message across to teens all over the world is to make a sexual education class that is mandatory in all public schools. Now, there are a few ways to go about teaching teens about not only their bodies but other people's bodies as well. The two main teaching styles for “sex ed” are…
The author Wes Moore has led a successful life as a Rhodes Scholar; however, the other Wes Moore will be in prison for the remainder of his life for manslaughter. In the course of the other Wes Moore’s life, he faces the daunting problem of becoming a teenage parent. Some say that abstinence-only education is the best way to prevent teen…
Sexual education in the classroom is needed because in today’s society, pre-teen children are exposed to reality television programs and adult situations at an early age. This is partly due to easy access to the internet. Pre-school children are encouraged to learn technology and by the time most children reach first grade, they are able to access the internet. One minute they are looking for their favorite game and with a simple click of the mouse, the children can be re-directed to a website…
Additionally many studies have taken a large scale approach, looking at trends across the United States. Stanger-Hall and Hall (2011) investigated the change in teen pregnancy rates as states implemented abstinence-only sex education. Even after accounting for confounding variables such as socioeconomic status or access to family planning services, they found that the increased emphasis on abstinence-based sex education was positively correlated with teenage pregnancy. This was shown on a…