Annotated Bibliography Henna Awan Florida State College at Jacksonville HSC4730 Dr. James Stittsworth 10/11/2015 Roher, A. E., Cribbs, D. H., Kim, R. C., Maarouf, C. L., Whiteside, C. M., Kokjohn, T. A., et al. (2013). Bapineuzumab alters aβ composition: implications for the amyloid cascade hypothesis and anti-amyloid immunotherapy. PLoS ONE, 8(3), e59735. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059735 The neurological changes related to Alzheimer's disease (AD) heavily support the amyloid cascade hypothesis. Bapineuzumab is a monoclonal antibody that targets the N-terminal region of amyloid-B (Aβ) peptides. Three test subjects were treated with bapineuzumab to evaluate their changes in neuropathology and biochemistry. The levels of Aβ peptides that were left in the frontal and temporal regions of the brain in bapineuzumab-immunized AD patients were compared to the levels of these peptides in four people of similar age that were not immunized with bapineuzumab and four control patients who had neither AD nor bapineuzumab immunizations. Results presented no significant difference in the change in the amount of Aβ peptides in bapineuzumab-immunized AD individuals, as compared to the non-immunized group and control group. Change was noted in Aβ peptide profiles, which were significantly altered. The cognitive decline experienced by all three immunized patients was unaffected by the change in Aβ peptide profiles. Ruiz, A., Pesini, P., Espinosa, A., Perez-Grijalba, V., Valero…
In all businesses and organisations, Databases are used to store all the core activities/information and often when there a major changes or restructure of the business the first process of many businesses is to change their databases to realign with their goal which makes them a valuable asset to any organisation. (Margulies, Pfleeger, Pfleeger 2015). Databases stores and maintain data at one central location so users can easily access it whenever needed. Through the use of Queries, databases…
Theoretical framework As a researcher, one must consider the theoretical structures and methodologically reflect on research. This proposal proforma will inform and outline aspect of a conceptual paper that is intended to contribute to the award of Master of Education – Guidance, and Counselling. With this in mind, the focus of the research has drawn the writer to research an area in the field of professional identity for counsellors, in order to inform and influence professional practice. The…
Ryan Seacrest is no stranger to many American screens. He has a net worth of $330 million, according to Let us delve more into how he makes his money: TV and Radio Host Seacrest is best known for hosting American Idol. He made $15 million per year after season 3. In 2012, he signed a hosting deal for $30 million annually. He makes $65 million every year. Though American Idol came to an end, his net worth will not be largely affected as he has other sources of income. He…
Since I was born I have always dealt with a speech impediment. I went to speech therapy from the age 5 to 13. As I got older started going less and less to speech therapy but I would still go at least twice a month. Th reason behind my speech impediment is because I can not breath out of nose, which is very key whenever you are talking. I have improved greatly over the years to the point where people tell that I have done my whole life that they can not even tell I had a speech impediment at one…
Reality of High School As you go through life, people in this world make many mistakes but also learn tons of lessons. Some don’t mature fast enough to know they’ve made mistakes and some are taught a lesson but have never actually learned it. Luckily, I had a major reality check in February of last year causing me to realize that the importance of high school is figuring out the type of person you want to be. Every girl knows the story or the movie of the popular girl in school that every…
not seeing her anymore, I realized that having friends a higher quantity of friends is way less important than having one higher quality friend. Even though I did have a different perspective on choosing friends, it didn’t mean that I was an expert yet. In sixth grade, when I had moved to Immaculate Heart, I had a friend who I thought was really amazing and nice, just like Lena. However, she ended up turning on me and accusing me of something just so that she wouldn’t get in trouble with her…
only sixth graders getting kicked out of camp and suspended from school. We still talked in school every day after that and after time we started hanging out again. At the end of the school year one of our teachers told us there was absolutely no way we were getting placed in the same class for seventh grade and we both understood. All summer we hung out. When the day came around that we could call our school to find out what class we were placed in Victoria, I and our friends were all hanging…
Belvie Mabika came to America as a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). With her she brought many strengths, academically and socially, however, these strengths might not be tapped into until we move past some of her barriers and continue to build upon her linguistic knowledge. Belvie came to America when she was 11 years old and was immediately enrolled in a 5th grade class, however, when she arrived here she only had the equivalent of a 2nd grade education, with a few spotty…
It all started in 2010 with my love for basketball. I was in elementary school in the 4th grade. After school we went to a after school program where we would get our homework done and to play outside for an hour a day. There everyday after school I would be able to play outside for an hour for 5 days a week. Soon I began to play basketball with my friends and found the game very interesting. I loved how people on the team all worked together to accomplish a common goal and how we were all as…