Our search strategy initially yielded 904 articles out of which 614 were excluded as those dealt either with fractures other than the scapula fractures or other unrelated topics on the scapula. Further, there were 91 case reports, 11 case series with less than 7 patients, 12 articles describing operative approach to scapula, 19 reviews, 3 studies investigating the causes and incidence of scapular fractures and 39 articles without an abstract. The duplications, letters to the editor, fractures of scapula following reverse shoulder and articles on floating shoulder (124 articles) were excluded. 32 studies met the inclusion criteria, of these two were systematic reviews and one was a meta-analysis (only dealing with operative management), the other 29 articles were all case series (EBM level 4) (Figure 1). A…
other unwanted ingredients. Green Tea, daily would be a great benefit for its antioxidant, metabolic and cleansing properties - especially as he adjusts to a positive nutritional intake. LEARNING EXPERIENCE 1 List the major bones of the body and at least one muscle that attaches to each (minimum of fifteen). List of major bones in the body, including a muscle attached to each: CERVICAL VERTEBRAE (7) – Trapezius (middle) Smallest of the true vertebrae, cervical vertebrae are found…
fascia, the inferior angle of scapula, and lower 3-4 ribs. Intertubercular groove floor. Extends and medially rotates arm. Triceps Brachii Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula; Lateral head: posterolateral humerus and lateral intermuscular septum; Medial head: posteromedial surface of the inferior half of humerus. Ulna olecranon process. Extension of the forearm and long head. Deltoids Lateral 1/3 of the clavicle, acromion, and the lower lip of the crest from the spine of the…
Rotator cuff tears are debilitating injuries that can take months from which to fully heal and recover. Thus, medical professionals want to use the most effective treatments to help patients return to normal life as fast as possible. One main treatment for rotator cuff tears is physical therapy designed to increase range of motion and then strengthen surrounding muscles to maintain that recovered range of motion. To measure growth and recovery in a objective fashion, tests over range of…
This can be extremely painful for the patient and can inhibit athletic performance. Some times, the condition is managed surgically; however, a majority of the time it is managed with rest and physical therapy. Therapy for this condition would focus on strengthening the muscles of the shoulder including the scapula stabilizers as well as the rotator cuff. If left untreated, shoulder impingement can eventually cause more serious injuries such as a rotator cuff tear or glenohumeral instability…
tendonitis use cross fiber friction. First relax the belly of the biceps with compression. Then follow the belly up toward the long head and cross fiber friction the tendon as it passes up toward the bicipital grove of the humerus to the point of the acromion process. Take a moment at the end of the session to teach the client how to utilize cross fiber friction on this tendon as part of a home care plan. When impingement syndrome has been indicated by ROM testing it is often favorable to…
1. Flexor carpi ulnaris a. The flexor carpi ulnaris originates on the humeral medial epicondyle/ the ulnar olecranon process, and inserts onto the pisiform, hamate, and 5th metacarpal (Starkey, Brown, Ryan, 2011). a. Its main functions are wrist flexion and ulnar deviation (Starkey, et al., 2011). 2. Flexor digitorum profundus a. The flexor digitorum profundus originates on the proximal portion of the ulna near the interosseous membrane, and inserts onto the base of the phalanges (II-V)…
Shoulder arthroscopy means the word arthroscopy comes from two Greek words, “arthro” means joint and “skopein” means to look which it has a term for it which it means to look within the joint. The shoulder arthroscopy surgery is examining or repairing the tissues inside or around your joint shoulder where it feels pain and the shoulder arthroscopy surgery uses medical tool called Arthroscopy which it is inserted through a small cut in your skin and perform surgery from there through camera.…
Rotator cuff impingement is what happens when the tendons and bursa in the sub-acromial/suprahumeral area are compacted together. Compression can initiate painful friction, stress and mechanical wear on the shoulder. Classic signs and symptoms include pain when flexing or abducting the shoulder above 80 degrees and weakness in the shoulder muscles, which are often detected when the patient is given the Hawkins-Kennedy and Neer impingement tests. This impingement disorder mostly stems from…
The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surrounds the shoulder joint, keeping the humerus bone within the ball and socket of the shoulder. A rotator cuff tear is an injury that can cause a dull ache in the shoulder, which often worsens when trying to overuse the muscles. Rotator cuff injuries often occurs in people who repeatedly perform motions that included using the arm above their heads. They can get these injuries in their jobs, or sports, also the rotator cuff injury also…