Scandinavian Folklore Magical superstitious stories and whimsical creatures define Scandinavian folklore. Tales of great woe and triumph spread a sense of awe to its readers and envelop them with cultural significances. Scandinavian folklore has been passed down for generations with regional customs and superstitions filled with tales of magical and horrendous creatures. Various themes can be found through folklore. It’s themes range from magic, evil creatures, spirits, mischief, lessons, and droll, or humorous, stories. The vast amount of differing themes give Scandinavian folklore a unique and interesting Scandinavian folklore originates from Scandinavia, a region made up of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark. The stories were shared and made by locals, who filled them with culture and popular creatures, such as fairies and trolls. These tales, often made by common folk, were shared in small communities and with passing…
Most people have their favorite childhood Folklore stories, Scandinavian Lore is the Folklore of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland. Legends, Myths, and Fairy Tales are a type of Folklore which are normally confused, and hard to identify. Folklore is a collection of stories passed down from generation to generation that include Legends, Myths, and Fairy Tales. Generally a popular story passed from one age to the next. Legends are a traditional story sometimes commonly considered as…
the explanation of natural phenomenon through supernatural events and or the gods. Fairy tales, like the name suggests, have fantastical elements and normally have some sort of lesson to be taught. Scandinavian Folklore has a plethora of myths, the most well known being Norse Mythology. Odin, Thor, Loki, Norse Mythology explains the beginning of the world through the use of gods. The people of Norse descent believed that the gods kept the world running. The sun and moon gods, Sol and Mani, were…
Fisherman and his Wife”. A fairytale is about magic and imaginary lands. German folklore has developed over many centuries, it shares many characteristics with Scandinavian folklore and English folklore. The values reflected in German culture lore are education, manners, punctuality, religion, history, and proverbs. Oral Tradition and Folklore The significance of oral tradition is information passed…
Elfin’ Around A world without fairy tales and folklore is a world drained of imagination. They started as a way for the Greeks to explain the unknown and teach others right from wrong. It continued in different parts of the world and evolved differently but overall introduced more imagination. Some mythology was added into religion and beliefs while some were stories that encaptured more “unrealistic beings.” As time went on, societies were established and more stories were shared and…
People tend to be unaware what cultural appropriation is. Cultural appropriation defines as when one culture adopts an element of another culture. (Uwujaren 9/30/13) In the world today, many people are witless as to what is culturally appropriate. There are many examples of cultural appropriation today, such as henna tattoos, bindi’s, sports team names, etc. These types of culture or traditions have become a fad for people, especially in America. People who are within the culture tend to get…
Like any young child growing up fairy tales were everything. They were begged for at night time when sleep was scarce. Fate, a prince, and a princess basically ruled the world of adolescent literature novels. They were a fun way to hear about the mighty knight defeating the dragon to meet the gorgeous princess who was so cruelly locked away. With the thought of telling fairy tales were only for children, film industries are transforming the fairy tale into a realm away from children. While…
Folklore is a collection of stories passed down from generation to generation that includes Legends, Myths, and Fairy Tales “Legends- a traditional story that is told over and over throughout several generations that is historic but sometimes unauthentic. Myths- a traditional story, that concerns the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. Fairy Tales- a children's story that involves magical and…
The symbolism of trees in Breton lays Most Breton lays relate old tales or are inspired by traditional tales. They usually follow the same structure. First, tragedy happens to the hero, then s/he goes on adventures and eventually “fixes” the envent of the beginning which leads to a happy end. In this essay, I am going to focus on the analysis of four Breton lays: Lay le Freine, Sir Degare, Sir Launfal and Sir Orfeo. Two of them – Lay le Freine and Sir Launfal – are based on Anglo-Norman 'lais'…
Legends, Myths, and Fairy Tales are an ideal art of every culture. Folklore tells the historic stories and background to every culture. Legends, the ancient tales of famous men and women who protect and serve their country doing famous deeds. Myths, historical humans or demi-gods who take down evil creatures to save the world. Fairy Tales, the stories every person knows are fiction but are told for children and young adults. Italian folklore is rich in history and the arts. Italian folklore uses…