Sayings, are sets of words that have powerful meaning and they either tell an advice or a meaningful story. Sayings are spread all around the world and each culture has their own sayings, however, there are some sayings that are found the same in many different cultures. An, interesting saying that I found in my culture goes like that “الوقت كالسيف ان ام تقطعه قطعك” ,and that mean that time is like a sword, if you don’t cross it, it will cross you. Moreover, this saying has been passed for generation, which made it have a vague history. What I mean about unclear history of the saying is that people in my culture don’t know for sure who said it or in what situation it was said. For example, a group of people believe that the prophet Mohammad said it, other believe that it was said by Al-Imam Ali. From my research about it, I weren’t able to find any clear awnesr. But even so, I would like to share the strong meaning behind it, the situation that it used in, and how this saying is connected to me.…
Animals in Our Lives There are many families who have gone through changes, some good, some bad. Many families also have animals as friends. Every new experience can make a person change; sometimes the change is positive, other times it is negative; either way, there is no avoiding change. You can learn from animals, they are there for you when needed, and help you go through changes good and bad. John Grogan wrote,…
I’ve carefully read ‘Saying Goodbye To London’ and enjoyed it truly. I believe this book has potential and would do well in the market once edited and finalised. ‘Saying Goodbye To London’, follows Francis, a 15- year old shy boy who meets confident 16-year-old girl, Sawyer at a part. Sparks Fly between them and she gets pregnant. Now they must deal with both a new relationship and a baby. This story also deals with concepts such as loss, sexuality and family. Francis has a lot of growing up to…
Just Saying... Re-posting my stuff and used it as your shield now that people are firing you back? Really? That makes you look quite desperate boy! Thus, do you know the word "DECENCY "? Have you encountered this word along the way in your journey toward old age? I mean, the decency to ask someone's permission to re-post or share their own writings. I wonder if anyone ever teach you how to show civility and good courtesy behavior towards someone's writing? Having said that! At some point…
The thought provoking essay “Poetry as a Way of Saying” by Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren, provides an educational direction for a reader’s comprehension and understanding of the “naturalness” of poetry. They claim in this critical text that “mere immersion does little good unless the reader is making, however unconsciously, some discriminations, comparisons, and judgements” and that “by trying to understand the nature and structure of poetry. . .readers may accelerate and deepen the…
Dean Koontz once said, “Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer.” Said another way: You can be calm and relaxed just by petting an animal. Animals give people happiness, safety, and calmness. People choose to have animals as pets because they are caring and energetic. One example is from the memoir “Saying Farewell to a Faithful Pal” when John Grogan writes, “...the veterinarian discussed…
They removed themselves from society and lived away from people to gain a deeper connection with their inner self and in turn with God. In the pamphlet received in class concerning the Desert Fathers, the following excerpt supports the beliefs which the Desert Fathers lived by: “Keep silence and do not compare yourself with others” (“The Sayings of the Desert Fathers” 42). This quote also accurately depicts how they regulated themselves: “Keep your attention on yourself” (“The Sayings of the…
Animals Change Our Lives Having a pet could help you through some everyday challenges. Every new experience can make a person change; sometimes the change is a positive, and other times it is a negative. Either way, there is no avoiding change. Animals are unique, can be vicious but can also be helpful. In the article, Saying Farewell to a Faithful Pal, by John Grogan talks about how his dog, named Marley who was a wild dog and how he was cute but dumb yet how he taught him important…
Imagine a world where people can control their everyday lives and tasks with just a few words. This reality is not an illusion. With today’s technology, people have the ability to order food by just saying so, turning on the tv without moving a muscle, or calling a friend. Even things like heating water and doing laundry are all inventions that make life more convenient. Both “The Danger of Convenience” by David Cain and “The Cost of Saying Yes to Convenience” by Eric Weiner, discuss the dangers…
Saying Goodbye - Soon My last few posts, combined with the reality that has occurred to me in this late stage of my life. Have convinced me that it is time to put away some of the things I have allowed. And take on, for however long I have left, a role and position that is more responsible. As most of you know, I have children. They are adults now, but I have learned that they are no less my children because of their age, and neither is my responsibility lessened. With today’s technology…