I live in a bowl full of peas, literally I am surround full of hills that metaphorically always reminded me of a bowl. The San Fernando Valley was always filled with peas which were people that generally are the same but not as exact; a big chucky of the population were all Hispanic but not all were the same. In a bowl of peas you would receive whether the good nice evergreen round pea or get the one everyone always threw out just because it look a little rotten or just a strange dark, brownish pea that just rather not eat. And there is the rest which aren’t really notice, mostly just as if you were an extra in a movie, but doesn’t really shine bright enough to be acknowledge as a star. Myself, growing up I always felt as a simply ordinary…
We chose Los Angeles to be the home of the Stingrays because Los Angeles is one of the only biggest cities in the country that doesn 't have a football team there, but also Los Angeles is one of the wealthiest cities in America, and it 's also surrounded by wealthy cities such as, San Jose and Silicon Valley. The average age in Los Angeles is about 34 which means most of the people in the Los Angeles region are employed. The average household income is about $55,000 which shows that families can…
The Battle of San Juan Hill was the engagement between the United States and Spain that concluded the Spanish colonial control. The most acclaimed unit that was in Cuba at the time was the “Rough Riders”. Led by Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt and Colonel Leonard Wood. The Rough Riders were camped along the Santiago Road in Cuba during the first day of July of 1898 getting ready for battle. The Battle of San Juan Hill was a pivotal battle for both antagonist. Teddy’s “Rough Riders” was a…
“It was because of your greed that all of this happened. You should’ve just sold the pearl or thrown it away.” I waited as Kino just stood there silently. “So be wise and don’t seek revenge on these men,” I continued. Kino sighed, “You are right, Juan Tomas.’’ Then, as we started to go back home, the pearl buyers came out of another room and told us to wait. Behind us, stood all three pearl buyers, looking really scared. “We are sorry for trying to cheat you,” they said to Kino. “Therefore, we…
In Los Angeles, people are always up and about. There is a constant need for luxury transportation as people go out to parties, special events, or corporate affairs. Whatever the reason, transportation is a must through the busy, popular location. Our services are versatile, as we adhere to the need of a wide fan base. Customers enjoy our services because we listen to what their specific needs are and we cattier to them. We also provide reasonable prices and excellent customer support. Take a…
The Infamous Triangle What is the world’s greatest mystery? Some may say what happened to those red sparkly shoes? Others may say why Hermione Granger chose Ron over Harry? Those are all great, but the infamous Bermuda Triangle blows them all away. There is no doubt that the Bermuda Triangle is a very mysterious place. The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area. Roughly by Miami, Florida, the Bahamas, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the Atlantic Ocean. Unusual events date back all the way…
In the year 1964, Vincent Gaddis gave an article in the pulp magazine called, Argosy, in which he states about the Bermuda Triangle and its exact location with latitudinal and longitudinal specifications. The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely-defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is between the coasts of Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. The vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle is one of the most heavily traveled shipping lanes in the…
There are many stories about the Bermuda Triangle and through the years it has turned out to be difficult to separate reality from fiction. While the theories suggest unlimited vanishings of ocean vessels and aircrafts there is very little proof of such actions. The supernatural theories revolve round from alien abductions, to the lifestyles of Atlantis, to greater terrestrial invasions and other strange but more splendid theories. However, it is possible there are greater all the way down to…
Out of all the mysteries in the world, the most popular happens to be the Bermuda Triangles. Some people believe that something mystical is involved in the Bermuda Triangles. The mysterious Bermuda Triangle has a total area of 500,000 square kilometers. Scientists have discovered interesting formations on the bottom of the seafloor. The location of the formations lye in the Bermuda Triangle boundaries. At various points on the ocean floor, it drops to huge depths. Within this area, people have…
be discussing are Theodore Roosevelt, San Juan Hill, Rough Riders- which I will say more about later- McKinley, William Jennings Bryan, and Emilio Aguinaldo. In 1895, Cuba was rebelling against Spain. Spain was using brutal force to stop the rebellion, which the U.S. covered in several newspapers, which was propaganda to make us dislike Spain and feel sympathy towards the rebels. After a lot of people saying we should…