Rio Tinto is a main worldwide mining gathering that spotlights on discovering, mining and handling the Earth's mineral assets. Our objective is to convey solid and maintainable shareholder comes back from our arrangement of world-class resources and our convincing pipeline of undertakings. We take a long haul, taught approach, creating and running long life, minimal effort, expandable operations that are equipped for conveying quality all through the cycle. Rio Tinto Group is British-Australian multinational metals and mining company with a base camp in London, United Kingdom, and an administration office in Melbourne, Australia. The organization was established in 1873, when a multinational consortium of speculators obtained a mine complex on the Rio Tinto stream, in Huelva, Spain, from the Spanish government. "Rio Tinto" is just Spanish or Portuguese for "Red River". The organization was really named after a red-looking Spanish waterway, along these lines properly named Rio Tinto. The real strict Spanish interpretation of the word Rio Tinto is Tainted River. Corrosive mine seepage brought on the red shading to the waterway, around 5000 odd years back when mining was initially rehearsed there. From that point forward, the organization has developed through a long arrangement of mergers and acquisitions to place itself among the world…
measured according to the triple bottom line. The triple bottom line assess companies through three factors: people, planet and profit. This essay will discuss Rio Tinto Group’s sustainability by using triple bottom line and give recommendations on the company’s weaknesses. Rio Tinto Group composed of two joined mining companies, Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited; its headquarter is in the United Kingdom(Rio Tinto a, n.d.). Rio Tinto’s products are “aluminium, copper, diamonds, gold,…
Rio Tinto is a global leader of mining and metals, focused on the discovery and processing of Earth’s mineral resources (Rio Tinto 2014). Operating for 140 years, Rio Tinto boasts a large human capital, employing over 66,000 people across 40 countries and six continents (Rio Tinto 2014). Values of ‘accountability, respect, teamwork and integrity’ (Rio Tinto 2014) guide the company to its mission of producing a successful long-term financial performance for all stakeholders. To translate Rio…
The intersection of strategy, operations, technology and mining of mineral natural resources for the future Rio Tinto as a part of global mining group to operate over 40 countries and 50 years around WA area,is participing in theglobal economic deeply and providing iron ore consistently. In Pilbara region of Western Australia, the mine of future is changing the people's life and the improve the supply chain of the opertaion of the world. In the praticing, we could find those part could be the…
international climate and energy policy developments and we advocate constructively for policies that are environmentally effective, economically efficient and equitable” (Rio Tinto, 2015b; p.Environment8), the reason for their delay is embedded in their drive to maximize gain as exemplified above. Irrespective of such glitches, it is noteworthy that Rio Tinto works closely with its suppliers to meet an ethical baseline in their operations “Rio Tinto’s set out the expectations the Group has of…
Rio Tinto's Mine of the Future™ is no customary mine system. Truth be told, it's similar to nothing the mining scene has ever seen. Revealed in 2008, the modern project means to change the substance of mining through the utilization of self-ruling hardware and innovation just saw in sci-fi movies. The Mine of the Future™, be that as it may, is no science fiction dream film. Rio Tinto is putting the completing touches on a gathering wide activity that includes cutting edge innovation and huge…
a. Describe the Simondou iron ore exploration and mining project. The Simondou project is a mining and ore exploration project in Southeast Guinea, managed by the Rio Tinto Company. The mining camp is located between the cities of Dandano, Boola and Beyla. The surrounding communities are composed by many of the poorest people of the Republic of Guinea. There is lack of adequate sanitation and safe drinking water. The existing health system is weak and overwhelmed. Avid to explore the iron of…
BHP Billiton slows iron ore growth, breaking ranks with Rio Tinto Summary BHP Billiton has said publicly that it was slowing down its iron ore expansion. This was an unexpected move from one of the largest iron ore miners in the world. BHP has also decided to put a halt on an upgrade at Port Hedland. BHP claim that the decision to abandon the upgrade shows a responsible approach of consistently making commercial decisions in the best interests of their shareholders. The Federal…
After close inspection of Rio Tinto, there have been widespread allegations against the company with regard to its bad behavior as a corporate citizen. Rio Tinto is a global mining company with extensive operations in Africa. Their “products” are the stocks that they currently allow people to buy to invest in the company. Ways that Rio Tinto’s social impact affects their company is as follows. If Rio Tinto was to in any way harm its image and integrity as a company, everyday people will then…
Diamond mining is a beneficial industry for the economy, but many worry that the money gained from the industry isn't worth the cost of how diamond mining affects people and the environment. While there are precautions taken the argument "Diamond Mining: Harmful to the Environment" is the best supported argument as the author appeals to the majority of people's emotions with an ecofriendly view, uses specific examples that are relevant to our world today, and proves their point strongly…