Shingles is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus. If you have had chickenpox you are at risk of getting shingles. There are nerve roots the supply sensation to your skin. When the virus is reactivated, it travels up the nerve roots and causes the rash to appear on that area of skin. Shingles and chickenpox are caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Shingles is a painful rash. The rash will only appear on one side of the body. The rash may appear as a stripe of blisters. Shingles can still be painful after the rash is gone. Shingles is also called Herpes Zoster. Shingles is usually diagnosed by the appearance of the rash. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus multiplying. It usually comes up when the immune system is weakened. There are some possible triggers of shingles. When you get older you are at a higher risk for shingles. Diseases, such as cancer, can trigger the virus. Cancer treatments can also cause shingles. Another trigger can be the medication you are taking. Stress and/or trauma may be a trigger. Children can get shingles if they had chickenpox while they were an infant. They can also get it if their mother had chickenpox while she was pregnant with them.…
Home Care Solutions and Shingles According to NIH Senior Health, shingles is a very common disorder. In fact, 50 percent of American seniors will have a bout of shingles by the time they are 80, with the most common age for an outbreak falling between 60 and 80. Shingles is the name given to the body's reaction to the varicella virus, the same virus that causes chicken pox. Unlike chicken pox, a shingles rash may lie dormant for days, even weeks, after the initial symptoms: headache, flu…
infectious bacterial disease affecting mostly children, and causing fever and a rash. It is caused by streptococci. Scarlet fever is one of those diseases that put fear into everyone's eyes when they heard someone around them had contracted it. The scarlet fever was first discovered in the 1600s by an english physician and researcher named Thomas Sydenham. Thomas had many other contributions like the treatment of smallpox. He was the only one who noticed the scarlet fever as a separate disease…
Shingles is a painful condition characterized by a skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox - the varicella zoster. It is also known as Herpes Zoster. Your first exposure of this virus usually as a child leads to the disease popular to all of us, chickenpox. It causes itchy and painful sores spread all over the body. After one acquires and recovers from chickenpox, the virus stays in the body and remains dormant there for years. For many people it can stay dormant forever.…
Shingles is a painful and burning rash that consists of blister and usually develops on one side of the body, face or torso. The rash typically scab over in 7 to 10 days and clears up within 2 to 4 weeks. The pain usually lasts for a months; however, for some people, the pain can last for years called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) which is known as the most common complication of shingles. According to CDC, Shingrix is a new shingles vaccine licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…
Atopic eczema is a chronic relapsing condition that is commonly seen in primary care. It is characterised by itching and redness of the skin and is most prevalent in early childhood. Health professionals may often regard it as a trivial problem that will go away, and it may be overshadowed by other related conditions, such as asthma.1However, the symptoms of eczema range from a small mildly irritating patch to a more widespread and painful rash, which can be physically extrusive and painful and…
“strawberry” like appearance (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). One or two days after the illness begins, a characteristic red rash appears. The rash usually first appears on the neck, underarm, and groin and then spreads over the body and feels like sandpaper. Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common viral illness that starts with a fever, decreased appetite, sore throat, and malaise. One or two days later the fever starts, painful sores can develop in the mouth and a skin…
Atopic dermatitis also known as “eczema” is a chronic disease; skin condition that causes inflammation or irritation to the skin. It is not contagious and cannot be passed on from person to person, however, it can be a genetic inheritance. Atopic dermatitis causes the skin to become every itchy. Itching can lead to swelling, redness, fluids to leak, dryness, scaly and crusting. It can often lead to asthma, hay fever or other allergic conditions. Sometimes the disease can worsen due to stress…
Skin around the eyes, like the eyelids, can also get affected by eczema as well. Redness and swelling around the eyes can be caused by scratching. The eczema skin condition can affect children as young as five years old and this skin condition can last until adulthood or even longer. At times, eczema can gradually become intense and can even recede for a certain period of time, even a few years. Itching may be severe, and scratching the rash can make it even itchier and cause more…
though there is no treatment for chickenpox, as it is a virus, there are still ways to help a person get through it. Varicella can’t be treated using antibiotics but there are medicines that relieve the symptoms and help to control them. Creams from your local pharmacy that help with the itching and red rash can be bought, although they do not cure the infection. Children can receive a vaccination from the age of 18 months to help try and prevent the virus. Paracetamol can help your child or the…