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    Scavengers Narrative

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    suits (this one was a matte black, it would be invisible in the night sky) appeared out of a panel in the wall and assembled itself around him as he stood holding Loki’s gaze, smiling slightly. “Stand behind me, put your arms around my neck,” Tony instructed. Loki did, and a moment later they were flying. Tony was flying slower than usual, since he had an unarmored companion on his back, but still they were whipping through the sky, almost silently around the mostly-quiet, mostly-dark skyscrapers. Loki could feel the wind on his face, in his hair. Fandral, the succession, Steve - everything fell away like the ground beneath them. Flying was glorious. Loki was not surprised when Iron Man landed at one of the addresses on the list Fandral had brought. This dilapidated storefront in Queens, it seemed, had been the hideout of the Zeta Reticulans who had attacked them, who the Hulk had smashed. Tony landed them on the second floor’s fire escape. Loki broke the window’s lock with ease and they were inside. Tony handed Loki something from a tiny compartment on his suit. Night vision goggles. Loki could gain the same effect magically, but he put them on anyway. Just because he liked that his shield-brother, his friend, had provided them. They searched the rooms rapidly. There were no Zeta Reticulans left behind, but one room had two long tables covered with mysterious equipment. Tony stood back and watched as Loki put almost all of the equipment into his pocket dimension. At…

    • 2008 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    In the Norse Apocalyptic myth, Ragnarok, meaning “fate of the gods” is the battle at the end of the world. Not only will the gods and giants pass away in this story, but almost everything else in the world will be torn to shreds as well. What is interesting about this is that the gods all know its going to happen and yet they still defy their future until the very end. The proof to this story is that it is believable. The first thing is the Fimbulvetr (Terrible Winter) in which there will…

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    Ragnarok by A.S Byatt is a novel about the experiences and internal struggles of a young girl who grew up in England during the World War II. The young girl, known as The Thin Child, lives in the England countryside as a result of the raging war in the city and of its surroundings. Throughout the novel the Thin Girl ponders many questions concerning why is the war happening?, is her father coming back? and whether or not the germans are good or bad people? To make sense of these questions, the…

    • 481 Words
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    As Thor: Ragnarok has about a year left until its official premiere in theaters, many are wondering about its plot. It is a good thing the Doctor Strange end credits scene features the story line of the upcoming Chris Hemsworth movie. However, there is still confusion about the involvement of Stephen Strange. A theory surrounding Doctor Strange’s involvement in Thor: Ragnarok requires the former neurosurgeon’s knack for healing. In the Marvel comics literature, Thor’s severe injuries in a…

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    “The Ragnarök” (An Analysis of Karl Marx’ “The Communist Manifesto”) “Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Proletarians of all countries, unite!” Karl Marx “The Communist Manifesto” was a radical piece of literature that had little effect on Marx’ lifetime however, it sparked enormous change in the future. Within the piece Marx outlines the two major classes, the proletariat or working…

    • 931 Words
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    Having the tendency to focus mainly, on Greek mythology, Norse mythology, the set of religious stories the Vikings told to one another, can sometimes be forgotten. Normally, when hearing of Norse mythology, most people refer to Marvel’s Thor and Loki, however, there's more to the story than what is presented. Norse mythology is the set of religious stories the Vikings told to one another and is sometimes referred to as cosmology, the theory of the origin of the universe. Norse mythology has its…

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    The Sandman Religion

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    story, it is still an an important piece to the story's progression. Asgard is one of the planes of existence that wants to obtain the keys to Hell. In addition, even though Asgard is not a primary subject it is still a secondary subject in the story. Part of this secondary subject involves Loki’s imprisonment in the cavern beneath the world while waiting for Ragnarok: «Ragnarok is usually translated “the Twilight of the Gods,”». In the Norse mythology Ragnarök is a series of future event which…

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    Aesir gods), Midgard(earth), Jotunheimen(land of giants), Vanaheim(home of the Vanir gods), Alfheim(land of the light elves), Nidavellir(land of dwarves/dark elves), and Helheim(land of the dishonorable dead). Two of these realms are some of what shows the most important aspect of Norse mythology, proving your worth. In the halls of Asgard is the afterlife for the honorable dead who died in battle, where they train for all eternity until Ragnarok, more on Ragnarok later. The other realm is…

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    The Aesir Gods

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    him except for a giantess named Pokk. Due to Pokk's actions, Hel refused to release Baldur until Ragnarok…

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    Shingeki No Kyojin Essay

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    comes from the first line of the stanza, which describes Surtr as travelling with “the enemy of twigs” which is a kenning for fire, drawing another parallel between the fiery giant Surtr and the Colossal Titan. As the seeress described, Ragnarok also includes “men who forswore oaths and murders.” The character of Bertholdt, revealed later to be the Colossal Titan, betrayed his own race and caused thousands of human deaths with his actions, namely attacking the wall that kept humankind safe for…

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