yet to understand why there was a surplus of matter during the big bang and not all matter was annihilated along with antimatter. A quark is a fundamental constituent of matter and they are the building blocks of hadrons. Theories suggest that there are 6 different levels of quarks and in 1995 physicists at Fermilab announced the discovery of the top quark. They were able to see that this quark was heavier than a gold atom but much smaller than a proton. They did this using the world’s highest particle accelerator, the Tevatron. On February 24th 1999, physicists at Fermilab announced results establishing the existence of direct CP violation in the decay of kaon (particles containing a strange quark), which is a significant step in understanding why there was a surplus of matter during the big-bang. On July 21st 2000, Fermilab then announced the first direct evidence to the proof of the tau neutrino, the third kind of neutrino known in particle physics. Nobody had previously observed the interaction of the tau neutrino with matter because they are barely massless and do not Interact with any surrounding matter. The massive developments in technology have allowed physicists to be able to closely study antimatter and particulate matter in much detail, leading to a stronger understanding of the universe. Fermilab continue to research different quarks and study the universe to develop a further understanding and discover things that human imagination cannot think. Cosmic Rays…
There have been many amazing and life changing scientific discoveries that have been made in the past, but how many of them have been filmed and documented for future generations to experience? Particle Fever follows experimental physicists Monica Dunford, Martin Aleksa and Mike Lamont and theoretical physicists, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Fabiola Gianotti and Savas Dimopoulos on the incredible journey to discover if the Higgs-Boson particle, nicknamed the ‘god particle’ is in fact creatable. The Large…
The Truth Janie never gives up on what she believes in and her family stands by her through it all and supports her with love. Janie did not let what anyone say get in the way of what she thought was right. Love and determination is apparent three times in the book The Face on The Milk Carton. The first time determination is illustrated is when Janie kept searching for answers and did not give up on finding out her past or else she would have never found out the truth. The second time…
Cadence Sinclair Eastman is 18 years old. She has severe migraines and severe memory loss. She had a brain injury to cause these symptoms. Cadence cannot quite remember what happened. She is trying to figure out what she can remember. “I used to be pretty, but now I look sick. My hair used to be blonde, but now it is black.” Cadence said.(Lockhart pg. 4 ) Cadence completely changed her personality. She shows that even though she has migraines and memory loss, Cadence finds a way to see hope…
I believe that “The Cosmological Argument” for God is still quite valid, my reasons for defending this argument have been produced after a great deal of reflection on the matter, I have concluded that the argument is still quite useful. To best describe the argument, it is the conclusion that “nothing comes from nothing” as was stated by St. Aquinas, in other words God must exist because if there was nothing then we needed something to “call it into existence” so to speak. This coincides…
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator made of superconducting magnets, built on September 10th, 2008. It can be found between the border of France and Switzerland, near Geneva, 100 meters underground. The Large Hadron Collider is a machine that was built with the ability to accelerate subatomic particles to very high speeds, which requires chilling the magnets to ‑271.3°C. This is done through the use of electric or electromagnetic fields, two hadrons are sent through the…
When Scream Factory announced they were releasing Jack's Back on Blu-ray, I never even heard of the flick before. After reading up on it and finding out it starred James Spader and had to do with a modern-day Jack the Ripper, my interests in checking it out with through the roof. After finally getting my hands on it and sitting down to watch it, I came out liking it quite a bit, but was surprised to find out that the actually Jack the Ripper material was actually just the catalyst for the…
electrons are about 10,000 times smaller than the nucleus. So things are very small inside an atom. The Standard Model is a theory that explains how things in the universe work. It explains there are particles called quarks that are even smaller than protons and neutrons (perhaps the same size as an electron, although it is impossible to tell because they are so small). Many scientists believe they are the smallest fundamental thing, just a point. There are six different flavors--or…
A group of related, fascinating particles, each made up of four quarks, has been found. The finding could hold pieces of information about the advancement of the universe, the analysts said. The four freshly discovered tetraquarks, now called X(4140), X(4274), X(4500) and X(4700), each are made out of two quarks and two antiquarks (the antimatter accomplices of quarks). However each of the freshly discovered particles has an alternate mass and distinctive subatomic properties. They are viewed…
(Nosheen paper : higher hybrid charmonia in an ext pot model ) 3.7 Characteristics of Hybrid Charmonium Mesons We use the following quark anti-quark effective potential for the conventional meson [17] V_(qq ̅ ) (r)= -(4α_s (r))/3r + b r+〖(32πα_s (r))/(9m_c^2 )(σ/√π)〗^3 e^(-σ^2 r^2 ) 〖□S〗_c .□(〖□( S)〗_c ̅ )+1/(m_c^2 ) [((2α_s)/r^3 -b/2r)L.S+(4α_s)/r^3 T] L.S=[J(J+1)-L(L+1)-S(S+1)]/2 To describe the hybrid meson in BO approximation, we used the static potential V_(qq ̅)^h in place of V_(qq ̅)^h …