Response Paper for Agenda Setting II This week’s reading discussed the punctuated equilibrium theory and how it explains some policies. In this response paper, I will firstly present how this theory fits the obesity policy area. Then I will evaluate this theory. Lastly, I will summarize my arguments. Punctuated Equilibrium Theory and Its Application to Obesity Policies Policy Monopoly. In the obesity area, the food industry was the monopoly. The Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act, also known as the Cheeseburger Bill (Hartman, 2012), which prevents consumers from suing the food companies for making them obese, shows how powerful they food industry were. The food companies are so powerful that even if one eats their food and develop…
beliefs on evolution. As previously stated their main disagreement was whether religion and science should be considered feuding sides or two separate aspects (Barnes 2014). It was also stated earlier that Dawkins believed evolution occurred at the gene level whereas Gould believed that evolution occurred at the species level. These two also disagree on the timing of evolution. Gould believed that evolution occurred as a fast change also in an instant, punctuated equilibrium (Gould 1998).…
Discussion #1 All dominant strategy equilibria are also Nash Equilibria, but not all Nash Equilibria are also dominant strategy equilibria. Chp 7. Discussion #5 The nash equilibrium is E entering, and I not fighting. Using the web you get to this by doing backwards induction. No this threat is not credible. If E enters, I will still be better off not fighting. While fighting would prevent E from getting any profits, it would lower I’s profits from 50 to 10. Chp 8. Discussion #1 Chp 8.…
marginal cost equals zero in order to focus on how firms interact around the demand curve, therefore the market demand curve is known by each firm as well as their cost structures. The nature of this model is that each firm takes the other firms output as fixed and then sets its own output quantity. However, the main assumption associated to the Cournot model suggest that firms ignore their interdependence. This means that each firm’s conjectural variation is equaled to zero. The belief is that…
Group Members Zoe Ching, Juliet Contreras, Ailly Lam, Aleksi Ska. Background information Enzymes are biological catalysts, which speed up the rate of chemical reactions. The pancreas produces a concentrated solution containing a mixture of enzymes – amylase, lipase and protease. In this experiment you will examine the effect of protease on casein, the protein found in milk. When the protease breaks down the casein, the opaque solution will become transparent. Theoretically, Enzyme activity…
Introduction Enzymes are catalysts that speed up chemical reactions without being used up in the process. Enzymes are able to do this by bringing two substrates together and having them bind to the enzyme itself. This allows the enzyme to lower the activation energy required to start the chemical reaction by forcing the substrates into an unstable transition state. In order to make sure the substrates fit, enzymes are able to mold their half-moon shape to fit around the substrates.…
disturbing the other students and causing a scene. Nash’s self-identity began to fade away as well because he could not distinguish what was and wasn’t real in his life. Extrinsic factors include both physical and natural environments, cultures, values, social support, and social and economic systems. Nash attended a very prestigious institution that demanded a lot of work and effort be put in to his studies. Furthermore, Nash didn’t have many peers besides an awkward relationship between three…
(A) Explain, using examples, the following concepts from game theory: (i) a strategy, (ii) a strategy profile, (iii) dominant strategy equilibrium, (iv) pure strategy Nash equilibrium, (v) mixed strategy Nash equilibrium, (vi) a reaction function. (i) A strategy: A strategy refers to a move or action a player can make in any given game, where the outcome will depend on the players actions and the actions of others. A strategy determines what move/action a player will make at any given stage…
Chemical reactions are vital to living cells. Many chemical reactions take long periods of time to transpire. Enzymes serve as catalysts to speed up biochemical reactions in other substances. Each enzyme interacts with only one specific substrate (molecule) in an organism or a family of related molecules. Enzymes are not changed or used up by the reactions they catalyze, but their effectiveness can be influenced by environmental factors such as the pH level of an environment. All enzymes have an…
3. Jesper Juul View-Causal Revolution Jesper is a game scholar in game studies. He is a renowned author of the books Half-Real, Casual Revolution and The Art of Failure (Jones, 2008). We will slightly discuss the book casual Revolution which explains the various evolution in the video games by focusing on both hardcore players and casual players. Hardcore players refer to individuals engage in a game for long hours to create experience while casual players refer to those who engage in a game for…