C.J Butcher Lydia Vigilantism There has always been a debate between pro and con vigilantism and will most likely always be. When the police officers aren 't able to get to the scene in time and someone is in danger what would you chose to do? Even though in some situations self defense is okay, things may get out of hand and worse damage may happen. Self defense in certain situations is the right choice. No matter how many time the cops are able to make it to the scene before anyone gets hurt, there are the times when they are not able to make it. When put in a life or death situation, I believe self defense is 100% necessary. If you know that the cops will not be able to make it in time to save you or the person being attacked, then by all means pro vigilantism is the right choice. For instance, when I was 15 years old I had a friend that would sometimes get bullied and beat up whenever he went to his math class. When he asked me for advice I told him to talk to the teacher and…
Compare and Contrast In companies today working in unison between employees is not something out of the norm for them. Teamwork is typically viewed as a positive concept, as it brings a group of employees who work for the benefit of the business (Joseph, n.d.). A big benefit of working in teams is having a pool of knowledge and experience from each of the individuals all together, such as if they are working on a project and one employee becomes confused on a certain aspect, instead of standing…
Nicolas Olson Mrs. Kushner Writing Workshop 8: Period 3 May 28, 2024 Argument Essay Do you think that kids should play tackle football? This is a topic that is often heavily debated, and many health professionals wonder if the sport is worth the risk. Kids should be allowed to play tackle football because it is good for their physical well-being and teaches teamwork. My first reason why kids should play tackle football is because it is good for their physical well-being. Many professionals in…
Accommodation- PRO: to preserve harmony and relationships at all costs CON: weak, ineffective, or fearful of change. Compromise- PRO: bargaining process CON: no firm values. Collaboration- PRO: true problem solving. CON: time/”molehills into mountains” Slide 14 Conflict Management How will conflict be managed on your unit? Avoiding- not advised and nurse not seen as a leader Competing- not advised and nurses that are indecisive, slow to act, and prone to withhold feedback. Slide 15…
The pros and cons of using computers in elementary school “In a world driven by smartphones and other mobile devices, it's really no surprise that technology has found a home in the elementary classroom. In fact, according to a 2009 infographic published by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 98% of elementary school teachers had computers in the classroom every day.” (Riskey, 2016) There are many pros and cons of using computers to assist in educating children. Do the pros…
Over the years, there has been a big debate over mandatory military service in the United States. Many people believe military service should be mandatory for a minimum of two years. This promotes national unity, ensures high levels of governmental participation, and can provide useful skills. Mandatory military service can promote national unity in a variety of ways. First, it admits civilians to gain knowledge and convoy together, creating that shared practice of having served in the…
A positive aspect of shared governance is that raw clinical issues are brought to the forefront by staff nurses that endure them and addressed. Another positive factor associated with shared governance is that it helps to support the teamwork and supportive environment that both the organization and most of our unit’s value greatly. A con associated with shared governance is the needed education and buy-in that accompanies the responsibility that is given to staff nurses. Unfortunately, a major…
The four competencies include interprofessional communication, teamwork and team-based practice, roles and responsibilities, and values and ethics. Interprofessional communication is instrumental for the well-being of a patient. It is vital to collaborate with healthcare providers outside of your discipline. The effective communication that took place during Martha Rogers’ case made it possible to identify the best plan of action for Mrs. Rogers’ after she was dismissed from the hospital.…
• Online Test Online test has certain pros and cons. The pros of online test for Employers are, it has shown that a small percentage of candidates have actually backed out. The cost of this process is very low; Candidates don’t need to travel to a designated area for the test, completing it online at home using their own personal computer. The CVs of youthful applicants with minimal expert experience, such apprentices and trainees, frequently don't offer satisfactory separating information to…
As Greg Schwab once commented, “Anti steroid programs seek to preserve what is intrinsically valuable about the sport (Schwab).” Sportsmanship plays a big role in sports and steroids completely ruin the value of the sport. Teamwork, character, education, dedication and commitment, respect for the sport and others, are all part of a sporting event and if players are under the use of steroids you rarely see any of those qualities. In other words, athletes are role models and major influences…