The inquisition and it’s purpose had originated from the queen’s interest to, “weed out heresy in the Christian world” (The Inquisition). The earliest date of the establishment had developed in 1478 and had lasted a 356 years, ending in 1834. The only rulers known to have been noticed for this event are only the king and queen themselves and Spaniard Pope Sixtus IV. Even though it had been carried throughout for many years, no others have been recognized for such, except for Tomás de Torquemada. Many historians have often divided it into mainly five cycles. Chronologically, first cycle had started in 1480, lasting up until the 16th century; second, early 1500’s until near 1560; third, 1560 to 1614; fourth, 1615 to 1700; and finally ending in 1834. Each had it’s own importance within the country. Later, having such an influence within Spain, the Inquisition had spread to many other European countries, having its’ own religious movements and persecutions. In order to purify Spain to it’s best capability, specifically Spanish Jews, a proclamation was made that ordered all spanish jews to be baptized or to become exiled forever. Popes Gregory IX and Innocent III had selected couriers to go out within Spain and then throughout much of Europe to, “persuade the heretics to abandon their erroneous beliefs and return to the Church’s official teachings.” Consequently, a total of over 160,000 Jews had became exiled. Tomás de Torquemada, also nicknamed, “the grand inquisitor,” had…
The Witch's Hammer In 1559, Pope Paul IV had The Witch's Hammer published as kinda a manual on how to hunt, capture, and torture Witches. They would use the common things from having weird birthmarks, to having a simple medical herb garden as signs as one being a witch. In this essay, I will explain the meaning of the Witch's Hammer, and what it means to me. I will also discuss how it is used in the Pagan and Wiccan community and if I would use it in my own practice. I will be discussing why it…
TOPIC 3: The changing literary and visual representations of China by Westerners in the history One of the oldest countries in the world, China, is also one of the four ancient civilization. For long stretches of history, China had their glory but also had a hard time, and the changed of China also changed impression on westerners by their literary or visual representations. In the 13th - 14th century, Genghis Khan established the Mongolia regime, built the Empire of Mongolia and began his…
in the Vatican. The Sistine Chapel is a huge rectangular hall, which has an oval-shaped vaulted sailing, and is divided into two parts with an incredibly beautiful marble wall. Architects invested considerable work in the construction of the building, but the most important value and wealth of the Sistine Chapel is the present of frescoes by Michelangelo and the wall paintings of other masters, which can be called the masterpiece of the Renaissance art. The Sistine Chapel leaves unforgettable…
I. Popes A. Pope Gregory I is also known as the Great, was a father of the Church, and was pope from 590-604 AD. He was a strict monk, and strongly emphasized missionary work. He sent out followers of the Church to find people to join. He was also a Pope to the poor, giving them money and food. The money donated to the church and land the church had was all open to use by the poor. His largest contribution to the church is the Gregorian Chant. This music is known throughout the church,…
the church quickly developed around the original Basilica. It is the center of Roman Catholicism and is home to the bishop of Rome, the pope. In Vatican city, you can also find other members of the hierarchy under the Pope. THese members include cardinal-archbishops, bishops, monsignors, priests, and others come below him, followed by the heads of bureaus. The styles and colors of clothing that these people wear are also very traditional and have evolved within the urban city. Vatican city is a…
meaning “Holy Chair.” Vatican City is the capital of itself because it does not have a capital because of its small size, and number of citizens. The official languages in Vatican City are Italian, French and Latin. This country is the headquarters of Roman Catholicism; the Roman Catholic religion. Vatican’s population is about 800 people, but 451 have Vatican citizenship, while the rest have permission to reside there, either temporarily or permanently, without the benefit of citizenship. …
humanistic influence that enveloped Florence. 5. The High Renaissance refers to a relatively short period where there was an artistic culmination. The majority of the High Renaissance was centered on Rome. After Rome’s population dwindled, due to the Black Death, the city became one of ruins and the papacy abandoned it in the early 14th century. The papacy returned by the beginning of the 15th century. The pope at the time, Martin V, used the arts as a way to build Rome back to its former…
The Sistine Chapel is a divine Chapel created during the Renaissance era. The Sistine chapel which was once previously called the Capella Magna is located in Vatican City, Italy. Tourists from all over the world our honored to not only enjoy the Chapel itself but the disperse artwork that surrounds the inside of the Sistine chapel. Pope Sixtus IV hired an assortment of magnificent artists to accompany him in creating one of the most remarkable and breath taking projects. The production of the…
were emphasized giving money to the church rather than focusing on emphasizing faith. Martin Luther wrote a complaint to Pope Leo about this abuse and challenged all of the preachers to a debate over the theology of indulgences. This dispute was a contest between the two strong willed men and it largely ignored the theological objections. Pope Leo regarded the letter as a challenge…