Physical Examinations: The process of physical examination is varying due to severity of the disease. At the very onset, normal examination of physical health is taken by a physician. It is focused on the prolonged expiration. Hyperinflation may occur with relevance due to the severity of disease and increase airway obstruction. Other features of a severe disease include increased anterior posterior diameter of the chest and a depressed diaphragm with limited movement based on chest percussion. The occurrence of dyspnea indicates the severity of the disease. It is evident from the appearance of callouses or swollen bursae on the surface of forearms. Yellow stains on the fingers are the signs of severe smoking. These medical examinations are…
The comprehensive history and physical examination (H&P) is made up of the following nine major components: history of present illness (HPI), past medical history (PMH), family history, psychosocial, review of systems (ROS), physical examination, laboratory data, problem list, and treatment plan. The HPI section addresses the current problem for which the patient is seeking care for and its chronological development up to the present time. The elements need to be documented are location,…
-Diagnosis: According to Sander (2018) the diagnosis of acanthosis nigricans (AN) is typically from the physical examination. However, if the provider is unsure, the provider can obtain a skin biopsy. The results of a skin biopsy indicative of acanthosis nigricans will have findings of hyperkeratosis, epidermal papillomatosis, and mild acanthosis. The dermis may have a small amount of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and neutrophils, but it should not have a large amount of these cells, for it is not…
Based on Sherry’s health history, the examiner decided to perform vital signs and focused physical examination of the eyes and its associated systems. Therefore, the examiner performed a physical exam of head, ears, eyes, nose and throat (HEENT). Like other parts of the physical exam, it begins with inspection, and then proceeds to palpation (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). After taking Sherry’s health history, her Vital signs were taken in order to find out if there is any change in her baseline,…
the pivot-shift test, drawer, and Lachman’s test. The patient’s socioeconomic status, prior level of function, and desired outcome should be considered when deciding upon a specific method of diagnosis. Medical imaging such as MRI and arthroscopy are expensive tests compared to physical examinations, which may influence the choice of intervention that a patient wants to participate in as well as their desired outcome. Background Question: What causes knee instability in athletes? PICO…
recently started your grad school. How do you feel about them? Do you feel anxious, stressed, depressed or lonely since you are having this skin issue at moment like this?” • “How do you think the condition is affecting your relationship with your partner, family, friends, etc.?” • “How are you coping with the condition? Are you taking any medication for treatment? What makes the condition worse or better?” • “Do any other members in your family suffer from the same problems as yours?” • “Do you…
ultrasound curriculum, the student would be stationed with a practicing professional such as a cardiologist. In this case, the student will witness different applications of ultrasound imaging in making a diagnosis on cardiac defects. Later the student is subjected to a practical OSCE with a model patient. For example, the student is presented with a patient reporting abdominal pain, back pain, and hoarsening voice. The student would then be expected to introduce themselves, and explain the…
The Lachman test is another means of assessing the integrity of the anterior cruciate ligament (Figure 2.6). The test is performed with the patient in a supine position and the injured knee flexed to 30 degrees. The physician stabilizes the distal femur with one hand, grasps the proximal tibia in the other hand, and then attempts to sublux the tibia anteriorly. Lack of a clear end point indicates a positive Lachman test. Figure 2.6: Lachman physical examination test 2.6.3 Pain Characteristic…
chlamidia, and generalized rebound abdominal tenderness. A complete physical examination was performed and was noticed that patient has signs of fatigue and lack of energy as well as shows anxiety and feeling of overwhelmed. Social History Patient has multiplies sexual partners, smokes marijuana, as well as cigarrete and drinks alcohol daily especially Friday, Saturdays, and Sundays. She does not exercise, because she believes she doesn’t need. Never had breast examination and does not do a…
illness cause them to miss any days from work. Determine if the client is at risk for occupational hazards that could jeopardize their health or cause injury. Last but not least, ask about home safety confirm that the client has working smoke detector, rails for stairs, and handicap accessible if required. Psychological Data- Ask the client about stress factors. How they are coping with the problem. Moreover, ask the client about their ability to express emotion. Patterns of Health Care-Ask the…