reduction which will add to customer’s account which follow the following regulation. · Rain Barrels>45 gallons: save up to $25 · Rain Gardens>100 square foot: save up to $300 · Permeable Pavement>100 square foot: save up to $300 · Other facilities i.e. Green Roof, Cisterns, Dry Wells: save up to $250 Another type of reduction is a credit. A credit is an ongoing reduction which can help the property owner save money in every month. The reduction bases on site systems, facilities or other actions impacted on reducing stormwater runoff. Here are six ways that the village considers. · Site Runoff Rate Reduction i.e. Detention Basins: save up to 20% · Volume Reduction i.e. Retention Basins, Permeable Pavements, Cisterns: save up to 20% · Water Quality (Best Management Practices-BMPs): save up to 10% · Direct Discharge (Outside and downstream of the village’s stormwater system): save up to 50% · Education: save up to 100% · Partnership (Provide land or facilities to village to manage stormwater): save up to 100% If an owner has the same single family house in Downers Grove , he or she need to pay 126.4 dollars per year for storm water fee, and the fee is increasing by about 9% each year. By applying LID facilities including rain barrels, rain garden and permeable pavement, you can save $41800 in a 50 years long time range. Here are the formula we use for the calculation. Formula: rate per monthx12x1.09n-1 (n=number of year)…
Integrated water management Integrated water management (IWM) of storm water has the potential to address many of the issues affecting the health of waterways and water supply challenges facing the modern urban city. Also known as low impact development (LID) in the United States, or Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) in Australia, IWM has the potential to improve runoff quality, reduce the risk and impact of flooding and deliver an additional water resource to augment potable supply. The…
iPhone in the mid 2000’s. Strengths Apple offers many strength’s in the technology marketplace. The current SWOT analysis by the firm Marketline (2015) indicates Apple maintains a competitive advantage by having vertical integration, or a process of controlling most of the production of their product, and horizontal integration or the ability to take over a competitor. The vertical and horizontal integration of Apple can be demonstrated by their ability to connect multiple devices together,…
can do for free and also contributes into increasing the amount of pollutants entering the waterways. As a plan of action to regain control of fixing the damage being done to our freshwater, implementing sustainable drainage systems throughout the city will reincorporate nature’s natural method of infiltration. Infiltration will play a massive role in removing contaminants such as litter, rotting organic material, and vehicle fluids. However, in order to apply this method into the regions…