In experiment 1.1, we studied the relationship molecule size has with diffusion rate. Our hypothesis claimed that smaller molecules will travel farther across the agar plate given the same duration of time. Based on the data collected, our hypothesis was proven true. Potassium permanganate has a molar mass of 158 g/mol, methylene blue 319.85 g/mol, and potassium dichromate with 294.185 g/mol. Potassium permanganate diffused the farthest, potassium dichromate second, and methylene blue secured the least distance diffused. As expected, a negative correlation between the size of a molecule and the rate at which it diffuses exists. This explains why large, complex molecules need a carrier or channel protein to enter the cell. These molecules are…
All the materials were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used as received unless otherwise stated. Reaction (1) How to make Sodium Azo-Tetrazolate--Pentahydrate (SAT) Approximately 2.15 g of Aminotetrazolate monohydrate was added to approximately 62.5 ml of 2 M sodium hydroxide. While being stirred, the solution was heated, increasing its temperature up 10 degrees Celsius, up to 60 degrees Celsius. Over a one hour time period, potassium…
Potassium Permanganate Test: 1. Three drops of the compound to be tested are dissolved in 2 ml of water or aqueous ethanol. 2% KMnO4 solution (a purple solution) is added drop wise and the solution is shaken. 2. The purple color of the KMnO4 solution disappears and a precipitate of MnO2 is formed. A negative test is if there no precipitate. 3. Repeat for every unknown and record observations. Observations and Results Water Solubility Test: When the test was conducted and observations were made,…
Compare the amount of zinc in the hair of two individuals with different diets, zinc rich and zinc poor. Analyze nitric acid digested hair samples using standard addition method in the graphite furnace AA. Use standard addition method to construct calibration curve for zinc standards to quantitatively determine amount of zinc in hair samples of two individuals. Theoretical: In standard addition method, known quantities of analyte, in this case Zn standard, are added to the unknown [1]. Standard…
DISCUSSION There are three chemical properties will be discussed which are combustion, reaction with bromine and reaction with potassium permanganate. Combustion was used to test the unsaturation of hydrocarbon. The degree of unsaturation refers to the number of the rings and / or multiple bonds present in the hydrocarbon molecule (McMurry, 2015). Hexane was a saturated hydrocarbon, it completely combusted and emitted carbon dioxide plus water. Cyclohexene was an unsaturated hydrocarbon, it…
method would be used to obtain the data. In this lab, the purpose of this experiment is to explore the effect of concentration and temperature on the initial rate reaction of permanganate (MnO4-) and mandalate (M) by conducting various trials with different initial concentrations of permanganate. These results were then analyzed to calculate the order of the reaction with respect to permanganate (PM). In the second part of the lab, the initial concentration of PM remained the same, but varied…
titration with permanganate. The persistent pink color signaled the end of the titration. The amount of the oxalic acid in the solution was found to be 8.941%. The redox titration was precise in the quantification of oxalic acid with a standard deviation of 1.327%. Introduction One of the natural organic compounds found in plants is the oxalic acid. It is commonly found in leafy greens, and nuts, as well as in some fruits. Spinach is known to have the highest amount of oxalic acid in…
bonds (made up of sigma and pi bonds)- cyclohexene has a double bond that allows it to react with the bromine water (Clark, 2000). Also, sigma bonds are stronger than pi bonds, which give bromine the chance to decimate the double bond, which has a pi bond. Therefore, 1,2-dibromocyclohexane is formed. A4 vs. E4: Reaction with potassium permanganate (KMnO4) This test consists of two hydrocarbons, a cyclohexane and a cyclohexene, being added to potassium permanganate (KMnO4) to test the…
Alkene produced less soot as cyclohexene. It can react with bromine as it has a double bond. The anti-addition occurred during the reaction which means the bromine molecules added to the opposite side of the double bond. Alkene also react with potassium permanganate. The brown precipitate formed after the reaction was manganese(IV) oxide. While for unknown B, it was possible to be an alcohol. Alcohol released a lot of the soot during combustion. It does not react with bromine due to absent of…
When the amide is acid catalyzed the resulting product is a carboxylic acid, and when the amide is base catalyzed then the product is a carboxylate ion. Aspartame, the artificial sugar being analyzed in the experiment, is the dipeptide formed upon the combination of aspartic acid and phenylalanine. The methyl ester is the only part of the compound that is sweet, though it is not completely known why that is the only part that produces a taste. As the amide is hydrolyzed by either an acid or…