I never really had a good experience with peer-review back in high-school. It was mostly used as a time to mess around with classmates and do other stuff besides working on our papers. Needless to say, I wasn’t really looking forward to it. Once we actually got around to peer-reviewing I found it surprisingly helpful. I was able to get a lot of useful information from my partners on how I should improve my paper before turning it. They helped correct my grammar, structure, and help me brainstorm of other things that I should include in my paper. After, I was able to help them with their paper in the same way they did with mine. This wouldn’t of been possible without them, and I am glad that they did such a great job of being on time with sending and reviewing each others…
PROBLEM Medical peer review is not a new concept. In Ethics of the Physician, Syrian doctor, Ishap bin Ali Al Raha, (854-931) recommended that physicians keep excellent records such that if a patient died or was cured, the notes could be examined by local medical counsel to determine if the care had been appropriate. Throughout much of modern medicine, the predominant process of peer review was the audit. Quality Assurance became formalized in 1979, the chief goal being to determine if the…
The Obidzinski et al. reading is an academic peer reviewed paper and the general purpose behind this sort of paper is to inform the scientific community who are also experts in this field about the information and findings of this topic, in a process that allows for analysis of the subject matter’s legitimacy. The topic presented in the Obidzinski et al. article discusses the effects of growing only palm oil in Indonesia in terms of environment and socioeconomic impacts. Dr. Roth assigned this…
The peer-review was helpful to me, although my essays were not perfect, this help me to correct my errors. It was difficult to do the essays to me, but I was doing the most that I can. I gave all my effort to do the essays. Peer-review helped me to do the MLA format, how to summarize paragraphs, and used rhetorical appeals. In narrative essay was the most difficult to me. When the professor told me that I needed to do my essay in MLA format I get lost. I never heard that. I do the entire essay…
The age-old question: How many peer reviewed articles do I need to publish in order to make tenure? The answer is five. You need to publish five articles in order to make tenure. Just kidding! If only things were that simple. Just as PhD students often ask, “How long do you think my dissertation should be?” or “Do you think I have enough articles in my lit review?”, those in the tenure track often seek confirmation of that elusive number -- the quantity of journal articles needed to…
Peer-review processes The international health journals are known for publishing articles that have been peer-reviewed. (Oxford journals, 2015d). This tells quietly clearly that the article was peer-reviewed. If it had not been peer-reviewed, it may not have been published. Also, information on the article given shows that it was first received on 20th March 2014, revised on 4th July 2014, accepted on 11th July 2014 and published on 24th September 2014. This whole process tells that the…
Incident-Based Nursing Peer Review Process Incident based peer review take place when a nurse’s action or practice is questionable or a hospital receives a complaint regarding a nurse’s conduct. Therefore, the purpose of the incident based peer review is to determine if a nurse’s action or practice was a minor incident that can be remediated or if the nurse’s continued practice represents “risk of harm” to a patient or other person; In the event that the nurse’s practice is determined to be…
Success in English 114 College students stress when a new semester starts, this can be a bit overwhelming and rocky for a few weeks until the students become adjusted to the work load. English 114 is a technical writing class that prepares a student for professional communication. The key components for being a successful student in English 114 are to follow the schedule provided and being prompt with turning in assignments, review the information provided by the instructor for guidance on the…
One of the first concepts I gained from this class was the idea of the rhetorical triangle. The rhetorical triangle consists of three points, much like the geometric triangle. The points of the triangle include audience, speaker, and text which were surrounded by the hypothetical circle of context. In high school we just barely scraped the surface of each of these topics but in English 101 we actually learned how to find each of these in text and how to effectively compose about them. In the…
managers that of the FDA commissioners advisory committees paved the way to block activities that would have otherwise hindered the drug company from pursuing profit through their clever interpersonal relationship with FDA upper management leaders (Katz, 1955; Topol, 2004; Smith, 2007). The human skill leaders at Merck & Co must have had their supporters to initiate manipulating hierarchical powers to move their agenda forward (Katz, 1955; Mumford, Zaccaro, Harding, Jacobs, & Fleishman, 2000).…