It all began with a simple phone call one night after dinner. “Bark bark,” Robert hollered up the stairs, “bark bark bark bark.” Which I could only assume meant “Number Seven, it’s for you. It’s Hugo, and she sounds pissed.” As I came down the stairs to pick up the phone, I was not motivated to go on another “adventure” after the last few times. I was tired and had looked forward to a nice quiet evening at home, not another stupid adventure with Hugo. Thirty minutes later, however, Hugo’s chrome plated tandem bike swung into our driveway, and Hugo was frantically ringing the doorbell as the bike fell over in the driveway. Grabbing my coat from the couch, I walked out my front door with all the enthusiasm of a man going before a firing squad. We got onto the bike and he told me we had another mission to go on. All I could think of was the last “mission” he took us on. We went to the Circle K down the street from his house to pick up a bag of corn chips. I never thought he was a normal person in the slightest, granted I didn’t even know him until 3 months ago and didn’t know we were 6th cousins once removed until last Monday, but now I know that crazy runs in my family and that my mom is no longer the odd one out. “Pedal faster!” Hugo screeched as we approached a yellow. “Are you insane?!” I yelled as he sped up and nearly rammed us into a semi-truck. A semi-truck that would have no business being in space on its way to deliver products to an intergalactic sports tournament…