with ophthalmology just as he did. On my first day seeing post-operative patients, a woman was so moved by her improved vision that she began to cry. She grasped my father’s hand while she thanked us all. I felt honored to witness such a profound expression of joy, and at that moment I committed myself to pursuing a career in ophthalmology. I became obsessed with memorizing the anatomy of the eye and learning how to use all of my father’s instruments. I spent hours searching the internet…
The eye disorder I have chosen this week is Ocular Melanoma. “OM is an aggressive form of cancer that can involve any of three areas of the eye: the iris (the pigmented area surrounding your pupil), the ciliary body (a thin tissue layer in your eye responsible for aqueous humor production), and/or the choroid or posterior uvea (the vascular layer of the eye between the retina and the white outer layer known as the sclera; this pigmented tissue full of blood vessels nourishes the retina)…
Ophthalmics is concerned with the study of the medical branch of ophthalmology, and deals with physiology, anatomy and any illnesses or diseases that may affect the eye. The study also includes performing operations or surgeries on the eyes. Many diseases are diagnosed through the study and practice of ophthalmics, and help to counteract or defer diseases that affect the eyes only, such as cataracts, glaucoma and blindness. What A Levels do I need? Each university will ask for varying entry…
This article is published in the International Ophthalmology Clinic Journal and begins by listing some of these complications. Some of these issues include: poor exposure, thin flap, buttonhole, free cap, incomplete flap, anterior segment perforation, intraoperative bleeding, epithelial defects, central islands, or decentration. Most of these impediments are due to problems with the equipment, problems with the flap in the cornea, or problems caused by the patient having a very irregular…
may bring significant benefits to address the leading causes of blindness associated with ocular neovascularization. Keywords: eye, ocular neovascularization, nanocarriers, drug delivery Introduction The majority of diseases that cause substantial and irreversible vision loss resulting from pathologic ocular neovascularization, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy (DR), retinal vein occlusion (RVO), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and ocular tumours[1-4].…
vision (glare, loss of contrast, increased higher-order aberrations and none eliminates the need for glasses for certain visually demanding tasks. As these patients become presbyopic, they will still require some form of reading prescription ( Kymionis et al , 2006). Preoperative screening Not every patient is a candidate for vision correction using the excimer laser. Age, a high refractive error, and ocular or medical disease may exclude a patient from obtaining a satisfactory outcome…
The Aravind Eye Care system is a patient-centered organization. Aravind Eye Care System was started by the founder, Dr.Govindappa Venkataswamy to address the mission to provide service for poor, blind people (Velayudhan et al, 2011). The task set by the founder was to eliminate needless blindness. Through the Aravind approach, the services offered were originally focused on cataract surgery (Velayudhan et al, 2011). However, after a considerable decision, service was not limited to curable…
Optometrists also make sure that your eyes are in mint condition, and if those eyes have an impediment or disease, an optometrist will find a cure. An optometrist of Oklahoma once said, “Optometrists across the state thank optometry for stepping forward with ophthalmology to ensure that Oklahoma school children have healthy eyes.” (James Ronk -www.quotio.com). By making sure that kid’s/ adult’s vision, not only in Oklahoma, is okay, optometrists make sure that one of our body’s vital features is…
For a better comprehension of Glaucoma For nearly century glaucoma has been considered as one of the most common eye pathologies around the world but also one of the leading causes of blindness .In fact Glaucoma specifically in the united states according to the national institute affects more than three million people.before going further in facts a deeper look about such disease is necessary,an analysis of his origin, the causes and the solutions to the problem are indispensable and…
Low vision is an uncorrectable loss of vision that interferes with daily activities. The World Health Organization 's (WHO 2010) criteria for low vision: Low vision is a best-corrected visual acuity lower than 0.5 logMAR (Snellen 6/18) but equal to or more than 1.3 logMAR (3/60) in the better eye, or visual field corresponding to less than 20 degrees in the better eye. Blindness is defined as a best-corrected visual acuity lower than 1.3 logMAR or a visual field no more than10 degrees in the…