In his essay, Peter Singer argues that humans have the skills and resources necessary to end suffering in the world. He says that to do this we are each morally obligated to give as much as we are able without negative consequences on ourselves. He also states that in order for this to be achieved as a moral code, our structure of society must be changed. In this paper, I will argue that Peter Singer adequately presents his argument. I will also raise an objection to his argument and state his refutation of that objection. The objection raised is that charity and duty are separated by a line in our society which conflicts with Peter Singer’s argument. In the essay “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” Peter Singer addresses the idea that people…
Self-Reflection This GSW 1110 class has improved my writing skills in many different ways such as my techniques I use to get my paper to where it needs to be, how to research for credible sources, counterarguments and refutations, and how to present different tasks in different papers. In the beginning of this class, we had set goals to accomplish my the end of this course. My goals were to stay organized, making sure each topic I picked was interesting, manage my time better, making sure the…
Creation/Evolution Controversy in scientific curriculum This paper Will be focused on the Issue of discrimination against creationism in a scientific curriculum in higher education as a science. I will argue that many of the objections that have been leveled against creationism rather if this is illegal or not if not why and also why do evolutionist serious objection toward the Idea for allowing creationism especially to be taught in public education. Creationism education can be met and that,…
necessary but not sufficient condition for his morality. [1] Subsequently, Cephalus defines justice as telling the truth and returning what is owed. Socrates refutes both parts of this definition by providing counterexamples. The first example involves returning a weapon to a mad man. While you do owe the mad man his weapon, it would be unjust to return the weapon since it could be used to harm others. Furthermore, it would be unjust to be completely honest with this mad man, because doing so…
Ta-Nehisi Coates’s The Atlantic article “The Case for Reparations” forges an assertion on the controversial subject of slavery reparations. Accordingly, the evidence, structure, and thesis of the argument should uphold a level of both professionalism and pragmatism in supporting the argument. While Coates’ supports his arguments with facets from the physical, economic, social, and political aspects of injustice with according evidence, the lack of cohesiveness from the text weakens the…
Nathaniel Baldwin, a tinkerer from Utah who got frustrated when he couldn’t hear Mormon sermons…” . In making this comment Heffernan is further establishing her credibility as an expert in headphones based on her historical knowledge of them, which is another attempt made to appeal to the reader’s view of her credibility. Heffernan herself writes, “It’s not incidental that Baldwin imagined headphones first as a way to block out crowds noise and hear sermons…”. The essence of Heffernan’s…
We have arrived to our third stop, the complex, busy and hectic city, EWP Outcome #3! The third outcome aims "to produce complex, analytic, persuasive arguments that matter in academic contexts." I believe that the first and second major paper demonstrate my ability to derive a complex claim in order to make a compelling argument. 1. The argument is appropriately complex, based in a claim that emerges from and explores a line of inquiry. In the first major paper, I have produced a complex…
In the modern age where almost every detail of one’s life is shared via social media, Adrienne Lafrance explores: how much is too much? In her article, “The Perils of ‘Sharenting,’” published in The Atlantic, Lafrance delves into the issue- including some worst case scenarios- of parents unintentionally exposing their children. Through her use of jargony diction, refutation, and emotional appeals by means of skilled pathos, Lafrance effectively urges parents to think before they post and…
deal of influence on Western thought and has continued to be a talked about philosopher in today’s world of philosophy. One idea that Epicurus vigilantly discusses in the text is about death being of no concern to us (Toop 228). Epicurus examines the “philosophy showing that death is the end of all consciousness [which] relieves us of all fear of death” (Toop 228). He is indeed, in plain words, stating that at the moment of death, there can be no fear as we have no consciousness to experience…
Reflective Letter on MWA #2 There are many strategies and elements that should be used in an argumentative paper, the most important three of these strategies are ethos, pathos, and logos. Although you do not necessarily need to use all three of those strategies to make an effective argument, a writer does need a strong foundation in all three if they wish to write a strong argumentative paper that can be given out to the public (such as a newspaper editorial). In my paper “The Side You Don’t…