presence follows them whether in the inner city of Milwaukee or rural countryside of southern Scotland. The night sky portrays a sense of intricate detail covering the entire horizon as far as the eye can see. Nature’s vastness contains power and encompasses a sense of motion, especially when glancing up at the night sky. Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh utilizes intricate brushstrokes to portray the nighttime. Van Gogh’s representation of the night sky utilizes colors and intricate brush strokes to portray a depiction of nature’s impact. “Such a painting as Starry Night… with the…
We gasped as the shooting star glided across the midnight sky. Adjusting our soft pillows and blankets on the bouncy trampoline helped us get an even better view of the bright stars in the sky. One by one, as the shooting lights began to fly, we started talking and talking about everything! Together, we shared lots of laughs and came up with crazy scenarios or ideas that motivated us for the next day. Flyer flies glowed and the locusts were buzzing everywhere. If only summer could have lasted…
Chapter One Nothing seemed to be happening, so they all ignored the loud noises. That is, until the noises became louder and they saw the flickering of the flames. The pirates had lit at least twenty torches and were marching down the street, looking to cause chaos and mischief. The leader, the infamous Captain Mako, laughed boisterously and stumbled into a house. He yelled, “Burn them all down! The flames are pretty!” The other pirates cheered and threw their flaming torches at the porches of…
How many things can you see in the night sky? A lot! On a clear night you might see the moon, some planets, and thousands of sparkling stars. You can see even more with a telescope. You might see stars where before you only saw dark space. You might see that many stars look larger than others. You might see that some stars that look white are really red or blue. With bigger and bigger telescopes you can see more and more objects in the sky and you can see those objects in more and more detail. …
and silently went to school and came home, independently eating a snack and doing her homework. The only time Bridget ever talked was to her pet turtle- who she would have to give away soon. Poor Bridget cried more than she talked. That's why she and Camilla didn’t get along. Neither wanted to talk, nor smile. They were just two silent, solemn girls who weren't ever happy, or anything even close to it. At one time, dear Camilla was so joyful; just a little one who danced around in her…
Lights Twas the night of Halloween when all of a sudden, the electricity in the entire town of Bridgman went off. Cars zooming, loud noises echoing, the town was in a cluster. Everyone hiding in their homes or driving to be with family and friends. By midnight, not a single person could be seen, everybody hidden away. All except one girl who couldn’t fall asleep due to nervous butterflies in her stomach, for tomorrow was her wedding day. The plans were in place, the tux was tailored, and the…
1. What is justice? How can one individual change a system that is not just? What lessons about human rights are found in literature and life? Justice is the equality and protection of rights as well as the just punishment of wrong-doings. This concept was addressed in Night Sky multiple times. When Sky was trying to move her hairbrush, she thought of, “…the monsters who took Sasha, because that poor little girl might never see her mom and dad again—and I swear I will find those bastards and…
In this essay, I’m going to examine precession, its effects on the night sky, and other questions pertaining to this subject. First off, technically speaking precession is the slow change in the direction of the pole of a spinning body (Earth and its axis). Pretty much what this means is that the Earth wobbles as it spins about its axis and the axis changes directions slowly. This precession of Earth is caused due to the combination of both the gravitational pulls of the Sun and the Moon.…
We arrived in Tralee at 10:48am. Tralee is the biggest town in North Kerry. From my short observations of the other towns was had driven through, Tralee felt more urban than any other town I had seen. However, my first view of Siamsa Tíre made me feel like I had gone back in time. The theatre had stone towers and was encircled by a stone wall. The whole facility was beautifully situated with a dramatic view of the Slieve Mish Mountains behind it. We were warmly welcomed by the artistic…
Many cultures throughout history have referenced to distinct patterns in the sky formed by stars. These patterns have been called many things but now scientists refer to them as constellations. Often times in our society we forget what a privilege it is to have tracking tools and measuring devices but 5000 years ago they used these constellations to track time and be able to tell where they are. Constellations have been seen as specific animals or figures that are then told with myths. STILL…