Introduction New Zealand is known to some as the “adventure capital of the world” as is seen as the perfect location, that offers unique nature resources that caters to a wide rage of adventure activities in the air, on land and by sea (Salla, 2014). Millions of tourists each year travel the long distance to New Zealand to experience its culture and countless adventure activities located all around the country. However, the adventure tourism industry has more recently had negative publicity for New Zealand’s risk management and safety measures caused by numerous accidents had by travellers in certain adventure activities (Salla, 2014). This report will define what adventure tourism is, how it is relevant in New Zealand, discuss the lack of…
Current State of New Zealand Tourism: Years ago, if someone mentioned New Zealand in a sentence, they wouldn’t know where it is or what you were talking about. Now New Zealand has grown, and is still growing today. One of the biggest reason now that New Zealand has been recognized more is because of our tourism industry. Tourism is one of New Zealand’s biggest export industries earing $11.8 billion of New Zealand’s current exchange earnings. New Zealand has a reputation of this clean green…
1 INTRODUCTION Transport has a huge impact on daily basis in New Zealand. It is known that New Zealand currently spends billions of dollars on transport (Ministry of Transport, 2014). Transport has become one of the biggest factors contributing in energy consumption and economic growth in New Zealand and Ministry of Transport have introduced four scenarios in order to make flexible investment options. Ministry of Transport have considered a change in oil price and digital technology advancement…
than about the lack of food and there are many factors that causes child poverty. These child poverty indicators and factors are things such as income poverty, living conditions or housing, material hardships, education, and poor physical and mental health. (Child Poverty Monitor, 2015). O’Brien, in Beddoe & Maidment (2009), suggests that there are six possible main causes of child poverty, which include the lack of advocacy and knowledge, decreasing support for egalitarianism, costs, dominance…
is the Treaty of Waitangi a Māori Magna Carta or Mega-Fraud. The Manga Carta 1215 (1297) The phrase Māori Magna Carta or Mega-Fraud is an interesting phrase. The Magna Carta is a fundamental constitutional document not only to the United Kingdom but also to New Zealand and many other countries that…
Regulatory Disasters and Response Regulatory frameworks sometimes fail. It’s a fact. Life, its participants, and the society we create in a state is far too complex for laws and regulations to work or to be conducted as intended every time. But by no means does this permit the failure of regimes. Quite the opposite; for the acceptance of failure brings with it a realisation to implement laws and regulations with the utmost care, and to learn from past mistakes- and there has been huge ones.…
Thesis There are alternatives to achieve justice rather than by retributive means, the island nation of New Zealand has been practicing restorative justice for nearly thirty years. This European dominated culture believes in giving first time offenders a second chance; in many cases, the future of youth offenders is taken into consideration. Introduction This paper is an analysis of the mission goals of the restorative justice system practiced in New Zealand. Furthermore, this…
in New Zealand has been a long standing issue since before the 1990’s and continues to be prevalent in today’s New Zealand. Although child poverty can be linked to multiple causes, there is one major cause that is not widely discussed enough within the political world of New Zealand. This is the issue of structural inequality, structural inequality can be loosely described as “denot[ing] methodical and often subtle processes through which social structures disadvantage and harm certain groups of…
New Zealand and Australia are two different countries on just opposite sides of the Tasman Sea. New Zealand can be characterized as having a moderately small population compared to many developed countries. Australia for example holds over five times the population of New Zealand. New Zealand’s small size makes it difficult for the country to have adequate domestic competition, making foreign competition very important to the domestic business market. New Zealand and Australia were originally…
MARKET ANALYSIS The purpose of this market analysis is for Dove to increase their understanding of the New Zealand skincare market. Although the market is small compared to the Australian and American market, New Zealand has still had a steady growth in sales across the years 2007-2012 with the average increase of 15 million dollars over the 5 year period (Euromonitor, 2013). This has shown the popular demand of consumers for skincare products in the New Zealand market. With the New Zealand…