In “Dear John Wayne” by Louise Erdrich, it becomes obvious to the reader that Erdrich feels as if Native Americans, such as herself, are inferior to the entire white population. Throughout her poem, Erdrich expresses her opinions and the actions of white people like “John Wayne.” The message she sends to the reader brings attention to the display of Native Americans. Erdrich strives to express her opinion that the media displays Native Americans in an insignificant fashion and that the media believes their worth is inconspicuous. First of all, Erdrich’s use of John Wayne indicates additional information than just the importance of his movies and the drive-in. John Wayne is a character in numerous Western movies from the past, which nearly…
Louise Erdrich argues her views about the treatment of Native Americans in her poem “Dear John Wayne”. Erdrich’s tone and who she is really addressing are intermingled together to paint a picture of attending a drive-in to watch an old western movie in which Wayne is the starring role. The poem is somewhat like a letter with a beginning introduction and a closing disguised as the beginning and ending of a movie. The way Erdrich approaches her argument is strange and leaves the reader wondering…
not heard from. Until recently, think civil rights era, we (humans) were, for the most part, hearing only a portion of history. This lopsidedness has created a gap in reality for us. It has shifted our thinking in ridiculous ways, we have glorified murderers, genocide and thieves. In Louise Eldrich’s Dear John Wayne she attempts to combat this one-sidedness when it comes to Native Americans. In this poem Eldrich attempts to lift some of the misconceptions associated with Native Americans by…
The Marvels of Spain‒and America “The Marvels of Spain—and America” portion of “Beginnings to 1700” by Wayne Franklin portrays various point of views between the Old and New World. The Natives experienced “a colonial imitation of Europe developing before their eyes, complete with fortresses, horses... and much else that… could have only been found in Europe” while the settlers from Spain saw the land as opportune as they established slavery, tools, textiles, churches, and new foods as a…
modern American Indians live today. Alexie utilizes history, cultural commodification and manhood to tell the story of a band who rose and fell from fame. Also by using these three subjects, Alexie is also able to show how Hollywood has been able to destroy the heritage of the American Indian. The bloody history between white men and the American Indians is based on betrayal and lies. Therefore, Alexie uses this information to show how modern American Indians and Caucasians feel about each…
The California Chaparral encompasses a specific area of the United States I find very near and dear to my heart. I love the great state of California and would hate to see such a beautiful aspect of California go by the way side. I chose the Chaparral or specifically the California Chaparral specifically because one I looked through a few biome options, I saw home, I saw the very same area of California I’ve flown over, ran through, seen on TV, and watched in countless movies. The Chaparral is…
York Chapter of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. A total of probably more than fifteen hundred engineers have passed through my classes. They came to me because they had finally realized, after years of observation and experience, that the highest-paid personnel in engineering are frequently not those who know the most about engineering. One can for example, hire mere technical ability in engineering, accountancy, architecture or any other profession at nominal salaries. But the…