Dreams are a very controversial subject in psychology. Psychologists have not come to agreement on what dreams may signify, mean, or what their purpose might be, however, they do have several theories. The three most popular dream theories are psychoanalytic, activation-synthesis, and information processing (White, 2017). Each theory is unique and offers different ways of looking at the way the brain works. Sigmund Freud wrote the book The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900 and created the psychoanalytic dream interpretation theory (Myers & DeWall, 2014). Freud believed that the dream manifest content, or plot, is disguising the latent content—the unconscious desires of people (White, 2017). Freud also believed that dreams are the key to understanding…
The American Dream is a set of ideas in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and is achieved only through hard work and perseverance. This books main topic is how the children at Prospects High can achieve the “American Dream.” I feel like for some people, the American Dream is more easily attainable. For example, if one is an American citizen, it isn’t a matter of how it will be achieved, it is a matter of when it will be achieved. The whole belief system…
I still remember when I played with my younger brother and sister a game called, “escuelita” (little school). I always told them that I wanted to be the teacher. As I was learning more in my elementary school years, what it was a great game for me, began to turn into a goal for my life. I think in some way I always wanted to be a teacher, I remember how I liked helping my younger brothers and sister with their homework and review with them their lessons so they could have good grades. As I was…
The American dream has changed in many ways throughout the years and means different things to different people. The actual definition of “The American Dream’ is equality, democracy and material prosperity, but my american dream would be to start a successful business. I would like to open a dance studio, this is my dream because I have grown up dancing and I want to share my love for dance with the younger generation. By creating this business I could provide for my family. Give them a roof…
What it makes me launch this blog is the love and passion that I have for reading and the dream of being a writer. I love to tell stories and I thought that I can put it on paper. My dream of being a writer came to an end when I was in High School. I was a freshman and my Spanish teacher gives us an assignment. I must read the book “Marianela” by Benito Perez Galdos and write an essay. I read the novel I was fascinated by the story. I read the book cover to cover, twice. After I read this book I…
person that loves being physically active and love the game of sports. In my free time, I help coach a high school soccer team, coach all-star basketball and baseball as well. I truly love coaching and my goal growing up is to be a coach at the high school and maybe the college level. In addition, I have also admired being a physical education teacher because it is a great job that revolves around children and keeping them active. While, in high school my favorite class was health and physical…
game-winning home run. During my high school athletic career, I was able to distinguish myself at my high school by earning twelve varsity letters. While many student-athletes specialize on one sport today, I played three different sports during the fall, winter and spring: soccer, basketball and baseball. Some people may say that my love of sports started as a ball boy for my father, who by coincidence, coaches three varsity sports. For whatever the reason, the passion that I have for…
Junior year is almost over and students like myself are contemplating where they might want to spend their years after high school and what career path they may want to follow. However, never having the experience of being in a college class makes choosing a school type much more difficult. Being a part of the Holy Cross Gifted High School Program will give me a sneak-peak of my future and will better prepare me for college. I am enthusiastic about continuing my education after high school and I…
throughout our school years. and as unrealistic children most of us were, we all had dreams dreams of being a superhero, princess, cowboy, or astronaut. In kindergarten, I can remember in my homeroom class every student was assigned to draw what we wanted to be when we was all grown up. Crayons danced across sheets of paper to illustrate our dream occupations. Our drawings were hung in the hallway for our parents to see at Back to School Night. I remember looking down the line and seeing…
this situation. As I sit here staring at my third score from the Praxis Writing test, I wonder what I am to do. Do I retake the exam again in hope that I pass and that there is still enough openings in the elementary education program that I get in? Or do I look into a different major; something I did not think about because I was bound and determined that nothing was stepping in my way of becoming a teacher anymore. I sit in silence asking myself what if now, as I see my dreams being torn…