There are many similarities in Divergent and 1984. Both stories are based on different factions , communism, and supreme government power. Divergent is all about factions. A faction in divergent is a group that you are put with based on your personality and skill set. This is very similar to the different ministries in 1984. In divergent you have five different factions. Amity is the peaceful faction they hate war and violence and view it as the root of all evil. Candor is the honest group they cannot tell a lie even if it will get them into trouble. They are taught at a young age not to lie and to always speak their minds. They usually end up becoming lawyers. Dauntless is the brave group. They train their bodies to fight and use weapons. There big ideals are having freedom from fear and they achieve this by doing near death activities to get them used to fear. The Erudites are the most intelligent faction. They blame all things bad with the world on the ignorance of human beings. There goal…
There are hundreds of churches in Fresno County, and when it came time for me to choose one for my church visit and interview; I really didn’t know where to start. So when I got an invitation on Facebook, from one of my girlfriends inviting me to her husband Ministry Ceremony, I was happy my choices had been narrowed down to one church. My church visit was to be at First Galilee Missionary Baptist Church, on Sunday, September 18, 2016. The reason for my friend’s invitation was there was going to…
according to Nils Smith, social media is the most popular activity on the internet. This twenty-first century phenomenon is a great opportunity for churches to capitalize on this innovative technology using it as a ministry tool for evangelism. Thousands of people use social media daily, but sadly according to Aaron Earls only “40 percent of Protestant churches in America still are not using any social networking tools.” In fact, evangelism in general seems to be no longer a huge priority…
In order to fulfill the requirements of this paper, I attended a ministry called Common Ground. Common Ground is an after-school mentoring program for underprivileged children in kindergarten through fifth grade that reside here in Waxahachie, Texas. This ministry has volunteers that help the children with their homework, includes a reading program to help the children become better readers and improve their comprehension skills, and allows the volunteers to spend one-on-one time with the…
The book Peace Warrior A Memoir from the Front, written by Daniel L. Buttry, was very well written and was very insightful into the world of international ministries and what goes on during peace negotiations. Buttry’s purpose of writing this book was to show the world that there are two sides to every conflict. The first is the violent, bloody, and war that breaks out between the two conflicting sides. This is the side that most forms media concentrate their coverage of, but Buttry’s book shows…
I took the time to carefully think over and pray about these four principles. The principles in the book that I found to be strengths of mine included: laughs and participates as a team player. The two principles I found in the book that I need to improve on were; pointing others to Jesus and administrates meetings efficiently. The first strength that I believe will help me once I begin my ministry is laughs. This is strength of mine because I work best whenever I am able to do work but have…
Summary In their book "Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome" authors Kent and Barbara Hughes offer insight to anyone currently involves with or contemplating involvement with church ministry. In the introduction, the husband and wife team tell a story of a pastor that gave into failure and left full-time ministry (Hughes 1987, 9-13). This confusion of success and failure in regards to ministry effects many every day. The team explains that they too almost fell victim to overwhelming…
INTRODUCTION Joshua Generation is a ministry inspired to fulfill the great commission of Christ [Matthew 28:18-20]. This ministry is under the leadership of Apostle Willie King and Prophetess Linda King and the Showers of Blessings Harvest Center Church. This ministry is dedicated to evangelizing This current college and young adult generation back to Christ. We want to a Beacon in the city of Gainesville for the light of God to shine through. We will be the labours harvesting lost souls into…
I decided to write my agency paper over It’s a challenge youth ministry here in Brownwood, Texas. The ministry is held in a little white church in the center of Sunset Terrance, the heart of every low income family. The ministry is a non-profit organization that has a board of directors based out of Coggin Avenue Baptist church that funds the ministry. Each year the ministry is given a certain amount of money to spend towards camp fees each summer and their annual Christmas party to buy gifts…
In Orthodoxy theology and ministry are inseparable. Theology is not simply a formulaic doctrine or belief that is written down only for comprehension, but rather it is the genuine revelation from God Himself that is expressed in the ministry. Without the proper understanding of the truth in regards to the disease in this world, how could one prescribe any medication or seek any form of healing? In the same manner how could one hold onto a precious treasurer and not apply it to heal those who are…