the art of space and the different things that can be done with it. Minimalism has become a trend in the eyes of those who own small independent businesses or those who have realised that living with too many objects is more than just overwhelming, living with too much is utterly exhausting. This essay is a heavily researched opinion on the idea that being a minimalist is expensive as well as that it contributes to consumerism despite being viewed as a way to escape consumerism. Look around the room, can everything in this room be counted? Name each item that has been used and the last time that it was used. Unfortunately, most people cannot do that. This is where minimalism comes into play; After applying minimalism as a lifestyle, the problem of half the things owned turning into glorified paper weights goes away. Everything in the new room should be useful and of good quality, another aspect of the minimalist lifestyle is the act of restricting the purchase of new items, this is helped by only buying products that will be of good use. Assuming each product is used to the best of its ability and cared for it will last a…
“Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Analysis & Minimalism Many of the most compelling works of fictional literature that are known today, are also some of the most descriptive pieces of writing. Writers of the 20th century like George Orwell, J.D. Salinger, and John Steinbeck, whose novels are widely prominent in American culture, used many adjectives to convey the emotions and opinions of the characters in their stories. During the 1950s however, Minimalism became a…
Absurdity is key to this exhibition and bringing some humour or levity to minimalist art which otherwise is too often seen as confrontational, anti-humanist, emotionless and intellectually cold. Minimalism may hide its humour behind imposing machine-made structures or recontextualized ready made industrialized forms, but curator John Hampton attempts to show a lighter side of minimalism, he attempts to show us that it is inherently absurd that we take it so seriously. Upon entering the space,…
I really enjoy writing about the philosophical thought that is at the root of this lifestyle we call minimalism. I especially like to write about the ideas of the ancient greek and roman thinkers like Epicurus, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. At the same time, I 've been trying to cover a variety of topics over this first year-and-a-half of blogging, so I haven 't been writing about that particular subject lately. It 's also been a while since I 've read any philosophical works and I have…
Carver depicts two teenagers crazy in love, but unsure of the course of their lives. The boy is characterized as an immature person who does not seem to be responsible in the slightest. Meanwhile, the girl is depicted as caring and accepting of the situation that the family is in. “The two kids were very much in love. On top of this, they had great ambitions. They were always talking about the things they were going to do. . .”(Carver 1327). Toward the end of the story, Carver evokes the…
but it took getting everything [he] ever wanted to realize that [he] wasn’t happy (Sanburn).” Often, humans focus on the idea of success and are conditioned to think of it as owning the most stuff or spending the most money. But on the inside, most feel empty; no one can see how their lives are “filled with stress and anxiety and discontent (Rosen).” Material possessions often serve as a “physical manifestation of a deeper problem-an internal clutter” that burdens us mentally and emotionally…
realism to it. Wolff generates a sad ending from the most ordinary thing a human could be doing and this is expressed through the eyes of the story’s narrator that knows how to bring the important details to light. The point of view greatly influences the construction of the story and its meaning; by means of different stylistic approaches, the story’s point of view gradually unfolds and reveals that behind the main character’s harsh personality is hidden a sensitive side. Wolff is known to be a…
Synopsis The term Minimalism emerged in New York in the early 1960s within the reduced design of Bauhaus (form follows function) and is still present in our century. Also, the Japanese ideas such as Zen or Ma influenced the Minimalism. „It is a more meditative approach [...], designed to encourage mental peace and quiet.“ (Brown., 2016) The clean lines and the neutral color palette is essential for it. Minimalism is also considered as an important movement of postmodernist art known as the…
the truly function of the construction, it`s a decorated shed. Robert Venturi, the defender of this theory, explain that there are two kinds of building: the duck and the decorated shed. The duck is a building that show what its function directly –some old sellers of duck used to construct a store with duck shape – and the decorated shed is a building that we cannot understand its function just looking to it, need some sign or advertisement that indicate what the building does. Such as if you…
The minimalist movement was started in the early 1960’s in the heart of New York. This movement stemmed as a reaction to the Abstract Expressionism movement. Many temporary names were used before the name Minimalist stuck. When the movement first appeared to the world, names such as “A.B.C. Art”, “Reductive Art”, “Literalism”, “Systematic Painting”, and “Art of the Real” were used to try and describe such an indescribable piece of work. We can only theorize why the current name stuck around, but…