Intelligence is vital to all commanders to make decisions across the range of military operations. It is a discipline that utilizes information collection and analysis approaches to provide guidance when conducting operational or campaign planning. Some skeptics have described military intelligence as an oxymoron. This specialty focuses on gathering, organizing, analyzing, protecting and disseminating information which has been involved throughout history. The Holy Bible contains one of the earliest accounts of an intelligence operation. The Book of Joshua conveys the account of several men sent to spy on the Promised Land and return with their findings. It is significant to report that intelligence shaped the manner that military operations…
gave the combat commanders exactly what they needed, timely intelligence to plan a successful mission. “Army and Marine intelligence along with the Department of Defense (DOD) and national intelligence agencies have made significant changes to better support counterinsurgency operations in Iraq”. 2 The intelligence community contributed greatly in its efforts in Iraq followed by combat operations in Afghanistan. Even with some of the same techniques, procedures, and equipment the biggest…
capabilities and activities grouped together to help Joint Force Commanders integrate, synchronize, and direct joint operations.” The Sicily Campaign, known as Operation Husky, provides various examples of combined and joint functions. Although Operation Husky resulted in an important Allied victory, joint functions such as command and control (C2) proved dismal; fires were considered marginal; while maneuver was regarded as satisfactory. To illustrate this a brief discussion of these joint…
Military’s approach to pursuing and supporting stability in foreign regions, the U.S. Military must rethink its doctrine and organization around the “Stability Operation” title. The contemporary embrace of the term “Stability Operation” sets a misguided direction upon which organization and planning become confused. Stability is a desirable condition or objective. Stability is not an operation, however. The term “Stability Operation” must be removed from the U.S. Military lexicon and…
Introduction The cyber domain is perhaps the most complex domain to define in modern warfare. Academic literature has secured cyber as both a domain and part of the global common. National laws, policies, and understanding of the cyber domain are just being to mature; thus, the strategy to guide and form the required organizations to support cyber is just being to develop. This paper will consider whether the current national cyber construct is sufficient to address the cyber domains unique…
The name of Operation bodyguard was chosen from a quote that Winston Churchill once said, “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” It was this quote by Winston Churchill that named one of the most effective and difficult Allied operative of World War II, Operation Bodyguard. Operation Bodyguard was a military deception pulled off by the Allied Nations, also known as the United Nations to fool the Nazis and Germany. The Nazis and Germany were…
The warfighting function that enables successful continuation of military operations is sustainment. Sustainment is defined as providing logistic support, personnel services, and health services in order to continue operations until the mission is successfully completed (ADP 4-0.) Without sustainment operations, the Army would be unable to continue to operate both large and small scale missions. ADP 4-0 provides seven separate but closely related principles that provide guidance to commanders…
Fortnight is a survival action game for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows, and Mac. Players use strategic thinking, creativity, and forward planning to build fortifications while working with teammates to defend survivors and objectives from waves of enemy monsters. The game has a cartoonish style, and the violence, while persistent, isn't bloody or particularly gory. The game does push players to make additional in-game purchases, though they're not required to play the game. While the game…
Over the decade, our country has assumed widespread operations in Iraq and Afghanistan to bring balance to those countries and secure our interests. According to (JP 3-0), " An operational environment is a composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the commander whereas, Commanders at all levels have their own operational environments for their particular operations” “The social variable describes the…
blitzkrieg battle warfare was used during the most crucial battles against Allied countries and was successful because of its emphasis on formation, military tactics, and invasions. During all of the conflicts, they used many diverse machines and formations for defense against the familiar enemy. One of the most eminent battles in the blitzkrieg history was Operation…