In Latin America, many countries have suffered from a military regime at one point or another. Chile, Brazil, Argentina, among others, all had a military rule during the 20th century. However, the focus of this research paper will focus on Argentina and Brazil. By far, these two countries had a very long military rule. The Argentine military regime lasted six years, 1976-1982. Brazil’s lasted 21 years, 1964-1985. However, they each experienced them in a completely different manner. At the end of the Argentine military regime, the Latin American country had had 30,000 extrajudicial killings, whereas Brazil had had 10,000, even though the Brazilian military regime lasted 15 years longer than Argentina’s. During the late 20th century, Brazil and…
democracy in Uruguay gave way to a twelve-yearlong military dictatorship. During this dictatorship, all citizens, directly and indirectly, experienced human rights abuses. Not only were civil liberties suspended, many citizens were kidnapped, arrested, and tortured on the supposition of being dissenters of the regime. Many Uruguayan citizens were “disappeared” by the military, and their whereabouts were unknown even after the return to democracy. The military was ubiquitous and omnipotent, and…
On the morning of September 11th, 1973, Pinochet and his military began their attack on the presidential palace, La Moneda. “Inside La Moneda, Allende then donned a metal helmet” and stood his ground awaiting his demise. Over the span of two hours “the palace was hit by at least eight bombs…the resistance within the palace exchanged fire with [Pinochet’s military]” and battle ensued, “yet these efforts were in vain.” By 2:00 PM that day, Pinochet and his men stormed the palace, only to find…
the conflict in Argentina, as well as the way how the four concepts intermix with each other and influence each other. In South Africa the liberation movement of the oppressed majority was seen by the government as an uprising of groups of people who should not have the same rights as the ruling minority. The rationale for this way of thinking was provided by the racial differences. A group of white people, a minority of a minority in South Africa, were holding the top positions in the…
created long-lasting problems that created a military regime. As time went on, political changes were demanded by Burmese citizens and pro-democracy advocates. The most prominent advocate is Aung San Suu Kyi, daughter of Burma’s independence hero, General Aung San. Aung San Suu Kyi devoted all her efforts to democratic reforms as well as for advocating human rights. Although successful, her fight for Burma’s democracy was not an easy one. Today, Burma is freed from the military junta, although…
This term can be applied to the United States, as they deliberately impeded on the democratic process in both Chile and Argentina in order to stifle communist influence and promote liberalism. They maintained the military coups of Pinochet and The Process of National Reorganization and made sure that they were supported through economic and military aid. Opposition to the regimes were stifled and often eliminated in secret and not so secret operations, and the American government made sure that…
perceptive; it depends on how one discerns the idea of it. Some may argue that perfection is nonexistent, all things will eventually fall short of its goals, and that nothing is without flaws. On the contrary, some may argue that perfection is a scarce form of existence that only few entities attain. In the case of Chile, perfection existed in one of the most unexpected forms; Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. A perfect dictatorship is a dictatorship that functions as one, but allows the…
A dictatorship, as described by google, is "a country, government, or the form of government in which absolutepower is exercised by a dictator". In other words, a dictatorship is a militaristic government set up in which one person has total control over everyone by setting laws and regulations. This person holds the power and his or her laws are enforced by a heavily armed police force or military. These military enforcing groups usually keep peace and control over the people using intimidation…
A dictatorship is a government run by a ruler who has been able to balance nationalism, charm, and fear into one. The ruler will have created a state where the population has become a mix of people who praise their leader during the day but lay awake at night for fear of what their oppressor would do to them. Hitler was a powerful and spellbinding speaker who was able to attract a wide following of Germans desperate for change. He would promise the disenchanted a more suitable living. One where…
Throughout history nations have risen from the ground to become great empires, conquering and ruling over vast lands. Textbooks describe these nations along with their dictators, providing details about life under these countries and the lands obtained. Julius Caesar, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin- these examples of dictators were strong military leaders that gained success for their nations, but their success was short lived. However, other nations were built on different ideologies and…