to mind? Some may say freedom, American football, or Donald Trump. But, how often does “military” come up? From a list which compiled the top words that people used to describe the United States, “military” ranked #30 - behind the more popular words “opportunity”, “diversity”, and “ignorant” (POV). This is an interesting detail considering the United States boasts the biggest military in the world and is notorious for its grandiose military budget. However, this was not always the case. After the 13 colonies’ formal succession from Britain on the infamous day of July 4th, 1776, the date when the Declaration of Independence was signed, America lacked a formal central government and, therefore, military,…
Our military as of now is abysmal, we don’t even have giant planet destroying lasers, or military bases on the moon. There are many places to cut spending, and it’s impossible to name them all in this article. We need to spend more money on the military until we reach this point. Now how insane that sounds is just as crazy as our current military budget is, and rising. The United States Defense department is the most over funded program in the U.S. and has risen to unprecedented rates since…
willingness to serve the United States of America. The amount of money poured into defense and the military has gone far beyond a reasonable amount. The U.S.’s annual budget for military defense spending was $598.5 billion, approximately 54% of the discretionary spending of the federal government (National Priorities). This staggering number is made even more astounding by the fact that the US accounts for approximately a third of the world’s defense spending (Taylor, Karklls). A hot topic in…
cold war occurred at the end of the major wars like descalation for the war in Vietnam before 1973, and decrease in military spending when dress from the cold war to the post-cold war (Sawhney, DiPietro and Anoruo 2007). These reductions were temporary after the 9/11 attacks. The United States military spending escalated, and the country was spending more on the military by 2008, even more than it did during the cold war. In addition, before Iraq invaded Kuwait, huge cuts in the US defense…
Martin argues that as the expenditure increases, so does the performance in which in necessary for modern day combat. On the other hand, some experts believe that this plane should not be bought due to the staggering amount of money, which could be spent elsewhere, such as the escalating conflicts at home and abroad. Others even maintain the view that less aircraft should be purchased. Although great points from all, only one may be chosen. This will decide the future of aeronautics and defence…
The US retains a huge edge over its potential competitors, China included, especially in military power and in research and development. In recent years it has been spending more on defense than the rest of the world combined, and its navy enjoys enormous power preponderance over any competitors. In addition, it has a relatively young and dynamic population and enjoys a uniquely secure geopolitical situation. The US economy is basically sound and may well overcome its present difficulties (as it…
needs. The Russian military is also one of the most powerful in the world. Reforms in 2008 meant that Russia was updating and and modernizing its military. With around 750,000 troops, and a the third largest military budget in the world Russia is a reinvigorated power. Russia also plans to increase their military budget in the coming years. Additionally with a stockpile of around 7,700 nuclear weapons the Russian Federation can blow the world to bits and still have Nuclear warheads to spare.…
The 2015 National Military Strategy The NMS provides an overview of the strategic challenges the United States is currently encountering and outlines how the United States armed forces will be employed to support the NSS. Today’s strategic environment is characterized by its complexity and quickly changing situations due to globalization, the spread of technology, and demographic shifts. In this complex strategic environment, the United States military cannot focus on one challenge and must…
Americans are known for proclaiming that theirs is the best military force known to man. There are songs about it, movies about it, and television shows about the United States military. Service men and women are saluted in airports, restaurants, etc. upon returning home by family and strangers. When they get home, and are no longer in the service, how are they treated? After being a part of an institution, such as the United States military, these men and women are now unemployed, and sometimes…
The United States Military is a Necessity The United States by far has the largest military force in the world. According to the Pentagons most recent publicized count, the United States Military currently occupies 686 bases outside Washington D.C. and the fifty states (Merelli). The United States Armed Forces are vital to the prosperity of the country. Both spending and over seas involvement in this organization should be not be revoked or reduced. Many might argue that the United States…