Meltwater have a few of investors. They are investing in due to the progression of Meltwater. Meltwater’s SAAS is best known for its social media monitoring suite, now it owns Besides, the world's best real - time and blog search engine doesn't belong to Google or Twitter but its now belongs to Meltwater Group. The importance of shareholders is they providing fund to the company. In order for them to invest with us, we have to gain a constant profit and good will in the public. Besides, the shareholders also select boards of directors of a company. Melwater external Publics are the government agencies, media, competitors, consumers, retailers, and publics. Meltwater contributes their effort to the society by doing CSR and other programs. At Meltwater, they established a non-profit training and mentoring program that called The Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST). It enables talented young Africans to become software entrepreneurs. The aim of the program is to teach MEST students the skills required to launch breakthrough global companies and enabling them to create jobs and wealth locally to stimulate the African…
21st century is known to be the start of new beginnings. It was that generation where machineries evolve the economics and social life of the human beings: from traveling to one place to another, a click of a button for communication, and to sending news to the residents of the world. But, as the year progress the mortals abused the capability of these machines. One of the problems is how they report news and how they edit stuff to create news and spread rumors. Can news reporters be fully…
regards to today’s news. Social media has changed many aspects of journalism. Now, for the consumer, sharing news has become more important than searching for it. Based on who you follow or who you’re friends with will determine what kinds of information pops up on your timeline. Because of things like Twitter, where news is easily accessible with real-time updates, there is a demand for instant news stories that quickly inform. Newspapers cannot cater to the majority of the population because…
The new social media has not made for a more enlightened, connected and democratic society. Instead, it has used mechanisms to instill fear and mass hysteria to those following them and will continue to negatively influence and mislead people in the future. The traditional media that baby boomers have used is the newspaper. A newspaper passes through many editors and every person is assigned a single section, so you know your section well. Information is passed through journalists to writers…
The American news spends a lot of time discussing the events that take place Iran, Syria, Eqypt, England, and a few others. Some countries are not a majorly discussed country in the news in the United States. There are several others that could be mentioned more, as well. Scotland, Ireland, Australia, Denmark, Switzerland, and Sweden are just a few that we rarely hear anything about in our media. American news networks seem to only discuss a fraction of countries that make up the world.…
my life, and as well as potential risks it poses. These ideas prove that social media has had a negative impact on our society. First of all, people have been relying too heavily on technology for everyday life. Yzzy Gonzalez wrote a descriptive article discussing the way she relies not only just on social media, but how much of her day is controlled by apps. She states, “I eat my breakfast reading theSkimm, Deadline Hollywood, Cupcakes and Cashmere, and many more news sites and blogs, all…
News comes today comes in many forms from a twitter update on your phone to the more traditional newspaper delivered right to your house each morning. Some news we find intriguing, while other articles we just skim over and think nothing of it. So why does some news catch our attention? Is it the shock factor, something interesting or is it just so horrifying you have to read it? Today one of the most controversial topics flooding the news is gun violence and gun control. It seems we cannot go…
Do you believe social networking can have a big effect on you or others? As of January 2014, there are 48% more Americans using social networking sites since 2008 (Pew Research Center). Social networking is one of the best things to happen in today’s society. The different sites that are made for social networking are being used by multiple individual’s years round, in many different ways. This topic has been a huge argument. Some may see social networking as a bad thing for our society but, I…
today have relied on the news to see what is going on in the world around them. It sparks opinion among people in subjects such as politics, entertainment, social events, and many others. Journalism and news has continuously evolved throughout time. It first started through the word of mouth. Then it printed itself on paper. Eventually it got onto our screens. Today, the world’s reliance of news lies mainly in the hands of social media. This fact has raised questions as to if social media has…
Historically, the United States has been wrought with discrimination and segregation. In the past decades we have become a population without segregation, but did we end discrimination? The answer is no. Media shapes our understanding and view of individuals and crime. Media is our main source of information and our news stations and papers have the power to change the minds of readers. From these outlets we get our information of crime and who they deem “criminal”. The way these are presented…