James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins all played a pivotal role in determining the structure of the DNA molecule. The orderly and methodical work at King’s college, London by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins provided a more experimental approach, working closely with X-ray diffraction images of DNA, this was juxtaposed to Watson and Cricks who at their Cambridge lab approached research by building physical models, narrowing down possibilities and producing ever so accurate pictures of the molecule. It was the culmination of the effort of these four scientists that resulted in the identification of the structure of DNA. Controversially it has been publicised that they did not all work together cooperatively…
Born to a poor family in France, Claude Debussy arrived into the world on August 22, 1862. He became the oldest of five children. By the time he turned nine, he showed gift as a pianist. Madame Maute de Fleurville encouraged him and in 1873 he entered the Paris Conservatory. He studied piano and composition. While living in poverty, Nadezhda Filaretovna von Meck discovered him. She engaged him to play duets with her and her children. He often traveled with her throughout Europe during the summer…
Quebec, after 1965 the Catholic Church experienced a dramatic decline in its authority and its role in Quebec society. The people then abandoned the Catholic Church rapidly, and then transferred their allegiance from the Catholic Church to the Quebec state. This created a political vacuum within Quebec, due to the fact that, in contrast to the previously powerful Catholic Church, the state did not have the infrastructure to deal with the Quebec population 's social and economic needs. In…
Inside Out is a film that is about one main character, Riley. The film shows us how from the time of Riley’s birth until eleven years of age, how her emotions change as the older she gets. The first emotion that Riley is born with is Joy. Joy is always happy, and looks to the brighter side of anything negative. Next came sadness. Sadness seems to always look down on everything, or finds the negative in everything. Fear was third to arrive. He gave Riley a sense of caution in times of danger…
For instance, his 1902 opera Pelléas et Melisandé has a libretto adapted from a Belgian Symbolist writer Maurice Maeterlinck, and his 1894 symphonic poem Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, was inspired by a poem from revolutionary French Symbolist Stéphane Mallarmé. These works are considered Symbolist because they play with leitmotif and harmonic structure to focus on the subject’s inner thoughts and atmosphere, rather than a concrete plot. His 1890 Suite Bergamasque contains the popular…
Claude Debussy Claude Debussy was a French composer. He was born on August 22, 1862 and died March 25, 1918, living to be 52. He did a lot in his lifetime. In 1884, Claude Debussy won the Prix de Rome with his composition’ L'enfant prodigue, which earned him a scholarship to an academy of the arts. Some of his most important pieces are Preludes and Nocturne, made in 1913 and 1899. My third favorite piece of Debussy’s is Little Shepherd from Children’s Corner. To me it is very calm and…
Debussy's Musical Impressionism "I have no hobbies...They never taught me anything but music." ––Claude Debussy. He brought an entirely new musical style into the public eye; he expressed visual phenomena by appealing to auditory senses; he stepped outside of the grasp of Romanticism, yet still followed its pathways; he paved the road for nearly all modern music to be composed after him; he altered music history. Claude Debussy was nothing if not an absolute master of the art of composition,…
The period of early 20th century was the time that the great musical changes were happened. At the end of the 19th century, enormous social and technological change prompted pessimism. By that time, there was a sense that progress could not continue forever. Old ideas and values no longer necessary and romanticism reached its limit in arts. Especially in music, Romanticism seems overextended which means music can no longer be longer, grander, more expressive. Because of this reason, the…
Essay #1 Draft: Close Reading Contrary to popular belief, the stereotypical “real man” who never shows emotion does not reflect mature, developed behavior. It is easy to assume that if one does not show emotion, he/she is not present, and that by suppressing those emotions one can make them “go away.” Plato argues in “Republic,” his seminal work that describes his ideal city, that not only is suppressing the emotions of sadness, humor, or passion essential in a perfect society, but that the…
Claude-Achille Debussy, born August 22, 1862; Debussy was a composer is a born and raised in the Country of France. Claude Debussy was born and grew in a poor family in France of 1862; he was the oldest of five children. At the age of seven Debussy began piano lessons with an Italian violinist named Jean Cerutti. “When Debussy was 22, he won the Prix de Rome, which financed two years of musical study in the Italian capital. After the turn of the century, Debussy established himself as the…