Mathis remained as Sontra’s noble physician after he took the role after his own mentor succumbed to a disease that wiped out a good portion of the town. His mentor would have been proud of her apprentice as he would go on to become a brilliant medic. Clever as he was with an ability to think fast on his feet. Countless people believe that Mathis knew everything to know about medicine and knew how to nurse ever injury and illness imaginable. Medics held the most power in the town after the Sontra’s leader and her second-in-command, and everyone had to respect the physician’s words even if they agree or disagreed with those words. Despite Mathis is the only physician in the town, other apprentices and other combatants often helped him out by passing out medicine and helping with other medical…
A family's faith keeps a family together; they look to God to fix their family problems. Do they ask God to help them, or will this family continue to be divided? How would you feel if you witnessed your family be torn apart? Would you try to make amends to save your family, or would you allow it to continue to happen? Well, this is the story of Tyler Mathis’ family and their church being torn apart. Tyler Mathis is a young girl who grew up in Toledo, Ohio. She was born on March 30, 1999. She…
The Mathis der Maler symphony (Mathias the Painter) was composed between 193334 while Hindemith worked on an opera of the same name. It’s a three movement work that received a very successful premier under Wilhelm Kurtwangler and the Berlin Philharmonic. The political implications of the work however caused much controversy within the ruling Nazi party; so much so that it led to Kurtwangler having to step down as music director of the orchestra and Hindemith to leave Germany before the outbreak…
David Mathis begins the article,“Embrace the Blessing of Rebuke,” by saying, “one of the most loving things anyone can do for you is tell you when you are wrong.” One sentence into it, and I’m stuck wondering, is that really one of the most loving things you can do for someone? My second inclination is to really hope against this statement being true, because I couldn’t remember the last time I pointed out sin to someone in a way that was even slightly meaningful. I genuinely hoped I would read…
result in the company not getting anything done and potentially going out of business. According to Human Resource Management by Mathis, Jackson, Valentine, and Meglich; Human Resource is divided into seven functions. These functions are listed as “strategy and planning, Equal Employment opportunity, Staffing, Talent Management, Rewards” (Mathis 15) and the last two being “Risk management and worker protection, and employee and labor relations” (Mathis 15). A basic overview of these functions…
1) In Human Resource Management by Mathis, Jackson, Valentine, and Meglich; performance management is defined as activities that make sure “the organization gets the performance it needs from its employees” (364) and performance appraisal is a “process of determining how well employees do their job…” (364). The reason as to why they are important is they can help see what “improvements can be made” (Mathis 364) and “to communicate, improve, and reward performance” (Mathis 364). When…
traditions (Mathis et al., 2014). Mathis et al., concluded that Alaska fisheries are extremely vulnerable to the effects from OA in the region’s four seas that ring Alaska--the Chukchi, Beaufort, Bering, and Gulf of Alaska (See Appendix A, Image 1) (Mathis et al., 2014). Alaska’s fishing industry currently supports more than 100,000 jobs and generates over $5.8 billion in annual revenues while contributing to the balance of trade in the U.S. (Mathis, et al., 2014). Southeast Alaska was…
Human Resource (HR) management by definition is “the design of formal systems in an organization to manage human talent for accomplishing organizational goals,” (Mathis, Jackson, & Valentine, 2013). The definition above uses the words “formal systems” these words indicate that more than one system is working together to make up the realm of human resources. Throughout this paper it is my intent to discuss how the different areas of HR, which includes strategic HR management, equal employment…
A young man sees the look of disgust as his father reads aloud from the newspaper about two men getting married in a town nearby. The young man takes this look and internalizes it creating a single elementary thought, “being gay is wrong.” This young man has just been socialized just as his father was before him, and his father’s father was before both of them. The process continues until, alas, the young man’s daughter reveals that she is a lesbian. The man is perplexed; all of his life he…
This story begins in Cedar Rapids Iowa in the autumn. The CRPD has taken in a suspect in the murder of Jacob Fulton. Jake Guckenberger is the suspect, the two officers that picked him up were officers Lindsay and Adam picked him up two blocks from the murder he was winded from running but wasn't wearing running clothes or shoes, he was wearing a pair of boots similar to to boot prints found at the crime seen. When they finally took Jake to the police station where he was taken into an…