The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a part of the film industry and current societal cultures that no one can ignore. These films have taken it upon themselves to offer up characters, branded as heros, who are designed to come in and save the day. What these films fail to do is offer the recognition to its secondary and tertiary characters that they deserve. Secondary and tertiary character are key players in the continuation of plot and story lines both within individual films and within the great Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). By defining certain applications of these characters and providing examples as support, I will explore their importance throughout a variety of MCU films and show how they have aided in the advancement of the stories…
The Marvel Universe once again shows the world its progressive side as it adds another person of color to its Marvel stable of superheroes. As of this past Thursday, the announcement of African American actor Michael B. Jordan to play the role of Johnny Storm in the forthcoming reboot of the Fantastic Four hit the internet. As to no surprise, many Marvel fans were indignant over the decision to move forward with a melanin inclined Johnny Storm. However, despite backlash from some disgruntled…
Phase Three of the highly successful Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is drawing to a close with three films scheduled for this year, three for 2018 (one of which is the highly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War part 1), and two in 2019. At this stage, there is only one movie scheduled after Phase Three, a supposed Spiderman sequel scheduled in 2019. With the end of the arguably largest phase of the MCU near, a lot of the major actors such as Chris Evans (Captain America) have been rumoured to be…
As I walked down the street to a local comic book shop, I thought to myself “what am I going to read today”. I walked into the store not knowing what I was going to get, so I started looking around and found several different brands of comics. There was Marvel, DC Universe, and Dark Horse Comics. I looked at them all and it was crazy there were so many good titles like “Deadpool”, ”Star Wars”,and ”Batman”. I was so intrigued by it all I must have sat there for hours daydreaming. It was hard…
The newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Doctor Strange, finally released its trailer, with a prevalent emphasis on time, its manipulation, and the implications of said manipulation (along with magic!). Naturally upon its release, the “nerd hype” flowed through my veins, and almost immediately I scoured the internet for beginners’ level mystical spells that I could perform on my own. In the middle of my research on the “Sorcerer Supreme”, I began to reflect about time and how…
The first four issues of the “Deadpool Killogy” falls under the title “Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe”, which is the main focus of this rhetorical analysis. This title is, for the most part, self explanatory in the basics of what happens in those four issues; Deadpool moves through the marvel universe killing every hero, villain and antihero. Deadpool’s psychotic break is caused by his realization that he is a comic book character with no true control over his actions. In absolute defiance…
Medium • What medium or media does the communication take advantage of? The advantage of this advertisement is it has a well know character known as the Hulk from the popular Marvel franchise. Also it helps kids who see this advertisement lose the fear of getting hurt since their favorite character also gets hurt. • What are the strengths and limitations of the media used? The strengths of the advertisement are that people that who watch the Avengers and read the Marvel Incredible Hulk…
It is often forgotten that creators themselves remain a part of the fandom. To write for a character, they must understand everything about them and consider which parts they want to individualize. Nick Spencer has been a writer for Marvel since 2015. His current string of Captain America comics is unconventional, where the hero who is meant to be a “star-spangled symbol of morality, selflessness, and freedom, is now one of the Marvel universe’s most insidious villains” and working for an evil…
Marvel and DC Comics have had a friendly rivalry since the 1930s starting from the comic books and now going into the movies. DC characters are heroes and demigods among humans. Their stories tell how they use their powers to fight crime and that they are heroes because their superpowers. Marvel characters are the opposite they were created not as heroes but as relatable normal human beings with problems and normal stories. Their character development is about how they deal with their…
Making more movies and more video games than ever. Marvel has been busy lately, in 2008 they made Iron Man which was the first of what we know now as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Next came Thor, then the first Captain America movie. But the movie that brought it all together the Avengers made history as the first time comic book superheros teamed up in a live action movie. Now Marvel is expanding the list of superheros in this universe with Guardians of the Galaxy and Doctor Strange making…