the oil on canvas by Marc Chagall titled Temptation (The piece is also known as Adam and Eve). This painting is significant to the Surrealist movement, Jewish Artists, and to the popularity of Marc Chagall. Once you understand some of the details of the history of this work and its creator, that might not sound like such a grand assumption to claim. At first, you are struck by a percussion of color when you see the work. Then, the twisted shapes that are molded together reveal that you are observing a scene with two main figures. The eye travels up on the canvas and you realize that…
find some special occupation, some kind of work that would not force me to turn away from the sky and the stars, that would allow me to discover the meaning of life.” Marc Chagall Marc Zakharovich Chagall (July 7th, 1887 – March 28th, 1985), a name he did not use until 1910 (arrival in Paris), was a Russian-born French Artist, holding the title of one of the premiere Jewish Artists of the 20th century. His paintings are largely associated with Cubism, Fauvism and Symbolism, producing…
Marc Chagall was an artist who was not defined by his present surroundings, but one who drew directly from his rich cultural past. Chagall was an artist of Belarusian Jewish descent who spent his formative years in a small Hassidic community where he was directly inspired by the rural scenes so essential to his artistic identity. Chagall is hard to categorize into one style or movement, he borrows many visual elements of Symbolism, Fauvism, Cubism, and Surrealism. He has his own personal,…
Marc Chagall was born in a small community in the suburbs of Vitebsk, Belarus, on July 7, 1887. His dad was a fish seller and his mom sold miscellaneous stuff. When Chagall was a child he attended a Jewish elementary school, he studied Hebrew and the bible there, later on he ended up attending a Russian public school. “He began to learn the fundamentals of drawing during this time, but perhaps more importantly, he absorbed the world around him, storing away the imagery and themes that would…
assigned a paper on an analysis of a piece of artwork. The artwork could be at pretty much any museum you wanted to go to in the greater Tampa Bay area. I chose to go the the Tampa museum of art in downtown Tampa. Even though i had been there multiple times this time was very different. As soon as i walked in i was immediately drawn to a single painting and never left that painting until it was time for me to leave. This painting that i was so attracted to was by Marc Chagall, and it was a…
exhibition Chagall: Fantasies for The Stage at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, I explored each section of the exhibition carefully, observing every detail from the costumes and set exhibit, he designed, productions on Aleko, Firebird, The Magic Flute and Daphnis and Chloe. The exhibition is categorized into different sections. I gravitated towards Chagall’s early works, some of his art work from the exhibition included his paintings, for example The Green Violinist and Violinist on a…
We all grow up with different ideas of the perfect guy, the perfect boyfriend, sometimes we wish to be able to build our own as if they were male Barbie dolls. Well ladies, I have figured out the perfect formula of the man for me. Luckily I didn’t even have to make him. He was introduced to me on the way to a Florida Georgia Line concert wearing a white Columbia fishing shirt and most perfect smile. Most search for what they want in life, but if a relationship is meant to be it will magically…
important role in the distribution of information and the construction of criminality and the criminal justice system. Public perceptions are formed by journalists and news reporter’s portrayals of victims and criminals in the news media. They focus on the drama of the crime story rather than the content, resulting in the skewing of reality. Within the context of Canada, a researcher at the Université du Québec à Montréal revealed that 95% of news reporters use the media to disseminate…
youth researcher, social media scholar, and campaigner at Microsoft Research. She defines digital natives as “native speakers” of technology while digital immigrants learn overtime and adapt to the new advancements. Published in a fairly recent time of February 2014, boyd explains how it can be dangerous to assume that youths are digital natives. She argues that digital natives is an inaccurate title for youths such as teens because they are not fully aware of everything technology based and can…
As a person limited with technology experience, I label myself as being a ‘digital immigrant’. I faced the challenge of creating an infographic and I did not understand how to use Piktochart effectively or to create one that is graphic and visually displayed for the ‘digital natives’ who prefer graphics before paper (Prensky,2001). Initially, I created an infographic about Facebook that looked like advertising. I felt frustrated that a simple task of inserting a line proved difficult and that…