acres are reserved for the general park use, and the about 400 acres are dedicated for use by Granite Peak, a ski area located on the west side of the mountain. (History of Ski Area, n.d.) Development of what is currently known as Granite Peak started in 1929 when breaking ground occurred to create a road to the crown of the hill. It was completed in 1931. A Chamber of Commerce Leader, Walter Roehl, spearheaded the project of the development of ski slopes when he went to the Conservation Department of Rib Mountain and convinced them of the opportunity a ski slope would make to the area. Runs for the slopes were created by hand with a team of workers cutting trees, removing stumps and crushing rocks with sledge hammers. Donations from Marathon Civic Corporation created the chalet in 1939, which is still present today. “The ski area has a proud history of joint cooperation between the State, the local community and private ski area operators” (History of Ski Area, n.d.). The State decided in 1947 that the ski area would be best if run by a private operator. In 1984, the State adopted a new Master Plan for increased development of the ski area, and a long-term contract was entered into with the new operator. For some reason, the expansions were minimal, until 2000, when the current operator took over. Multitude of improvements has occurred since that time to include the addition of 58 runs, installation of several new lifts, restoration of the original chalet, the…
certainly did for me. Just my luck… After the half marathon debacle back in January, I just wanted to get back in the game and prove to myself that the last marathon I had run was not my swan song. There was also a little anger involved, directed towards myself and what I had done to bring me to this point. I chose to train for a marathon that I normally would not consider. I was born in Illinois- so the Chicago Marathon would make sense. But this one was in Orange County, California, an area…
As far as the dates go, I would recommend 4th Saturday of October 2016. There are several reasons for selecting those dates. The first is definitely the weather. The desirable weather can help speed runners on their way along the desired 26.2 mile course. In their article "Impact of Weather on Marathon Performance" published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, author Matthew Ely and his co-authors concluded that the ideal temperature for running marathons is between 39…
FINAL REFLECTION In 2015 I ran in an organized race .I had participated in the Madd Dash, also known as the Strides for Change run near Earl March Secondary School. I’ve recieved an approximate time of 28 minutes when finished running the 5km run. During the day of the run, it was very cold and in the middle of the run it started to hail. In 2016, I ran in the Kanata Race Day event at Richcraft Community center during May. The run was during good and well rounded weather conditions for the…
main event was the 2-mile. I would run track in the spring and train for a race (like a half marathon) in the fall. I had track practice on weekdays and ran on Saturdays on my own. My junior year of high school, I started track. However, this year, my coach wanted to focus solely on getting me faster. I ran sprints for practice which was not my forte. I asked my coach how many miles he would allow me to run on the weekends. I wanted to run 7 miles but knew he would probably say 3 miles. He told…
This past June, I ran the Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota. I must have motivated my mother from my previous marathon, as she decided to sign up as a charity walker for the Multiple Sclerosis Society in the half distance. My goal of my first marathon had not only been to run for myself, but to inspire my mother to not give up on the passion she once had. Healthy lifestyles are lifetime endeavors not only because they require continuous work, but become inspiring when true results are…
On a daily basis, I am asked why I run. When people think of running, they think of absolute pain and distress. However, when I think of running, I think of freedom and strength. Running gives a sense of relief from the stresses of daily life; whenever I have a difficult day, jogging along trails and dirt roads instantly rids of the strain of the day. You feel free because your legs can venture wherever you may desire. After you run, there is a sense of achievement that fills your body with…
race.” This was what I had been telling myself since the start of the week in preparation for my marathon — which was happening today. The reason why I decided I wanted to run a marathon was because of the influence of my sister. It was up in Okanagan where my family and I cheered for my sister as she was participating in the Okanagan Marathon. As soon as she completed the race, and although exhausted, I saw how happy and relieved she was, and felt extremely happy and excited for her new…
On April 19 1966, Bobbi Gibb became the first women to run in the Boston Marathon—disguised as a man in men’s clothing. Growing up, Gibb was always passionate about running. She spent her adolescent and adult years running for her own enjoyment. After she witnessed her first marathon, Gibb felt the desire to participate in the marathon as a runner. Thus, she took it upon herself to train without professional assistance. By the end of her training, she was able to run 40 miles in one stretch;…
I've never witnessed the Boston Marathon of 1975, but novelist Bill Rodgers and Matthew Shepatin made me feel as if I was running the race the whole time, in April of 1975, when an unknown runner named Bill Rodgers decided to prove his worth to the not the country, but the world by breaking the world record in the marathon with a blazing 2:09:55. The story of how the whole world reacted to Bill’s outstanding performance is told by the Bill himself, and his mentor and teammate Amby Burfoot who…