Thousands of friends, family and fans gather each with pride, happiness, and their cameras to capture the exciting moments of the bright and sunny April afternoon of the 2013 Boston Marathon. Their excitement is booming through the elated crowd and spreading like a wildfire. Sweat and tears are flying from exhausted runners and their long 26.2 mile journey to the finish. Everyone is so caught up in the moment, how could anything possibly go wrong? Needless to say, the detonation of two bombs was the last thing that would cross anyone’s mind until suddenly, it was the only thing on everyone’s mind. Two homemade pressure cookers are set off just 12 seconds apart and less than 100 yards from each other and in the blink of an eye an exciting day…
Texas Marathon Trails Will Give You Healthy Running Goals Sports are such activities (exercise) that keep us fit as well as rejuvenated among which running/jogging is every one’s favorite. Following under the same category a marathon is a long distance running event which is generally run as road race. Having an interesting historically backdrop, every year many marathons are been carried out where thousands of participators or competitors take part across the world. Moreover, arrangement of…
race.” This was what I had been telling myself since the start of the week in preparation for my marathon — which was happening today. The reason why I decided I wanted to run a marathon was because of the influence of my sister. It was up in Okanagan where my family and I cheered for my sister as she was participating in the Okanagan Marathon. As soon as she completed the race, and although exhausted, I saw how happy and relieved she was, and felt extremely happy and excited for her new…
I've never witnessed the Boston Marathon of 1975, but novelist Bill Rodgers and Matthew Shepatin made me feel as if I was running the race the whole time, in April of 1975, when an unknown runner named Bill Rodgers decided to prove his worth to the not the country, but the world by breaking the world record in the marathon with a blazing 2:09:55. The story of how the whole world reacted to Bill’s outstanding performance is told by the Bill himself, and his mentor and teammate Amby Burfoot who…
The Jack & Jill’s Downhill Marathon and half marathon takes place on one of Washington's most scenic trails. Located in North Bend, just 31 miles from seattle runners will enjoy the sites of the picturesque John Wayne Trail as they make their way on a point to point course down a 1100 foot net drop from start to finish. A USATF certified course, and valid as a NY qualifier, the Jack & Jill’s race brings over 800 runners in both races combined, with over 240 competing in the half marathon alone. …
certainly did for me. Just my luck… After the half marathon debacle back in January, I just wanted to get back in the game and prove to myself that the last marathon I had run was not my swan song. There was also a little anger involved, directed towards myself and what I had done to bring me to this point. I chose to train for a marathon that I normally would not consider. I was born in Illinois- so the Chicago Marathon would make sense. But this one was in Orange County, California, an area…
As far as the dates go, I would recommend 4th Saturday of October 2016. There are several reasons for selecting those dates. The first is definitely the weather. The desirable weather can help speed runners on their way along the desired 26.2 mile course. In their article "Impact of Weather on Marathon Performance" published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, author Matthew Ely and his co-authors concluded that the ideal temperature for running marathons is between 39…
On April 20, 2015, thousands of runners will line up for the start to travel the 26-mile route of the 2015 Boston Marathon, but did you know the history of the Boston Marathon is over 100-years old? The Boston Athletic Association has organized this famous marathon since Patriot’s Day in 1897, thus making it the oldest and most well-known yearly marathon, and one with a rich and exciting history. Fewer than 20 participants ran in that very first Boston Marathon, making the history of the Boston…
The Boston Marathon is a race that is held every year on the third Monday of April since 1897. This event attracted several people. On April 15,2013 two bombs went off near the finish line killing 3 bystanders and wounding more than 250 people. Not only were people seriously injured but property was damaged and the entire city was in shock. Automatically people believed they fell victim to terrorist attacks. Four days later after the FBI took over a video immersed that revealed brothers,…
picnic baseball and there definitely, definitely would be no charity 5K runs or any other races. All of this was true, until I decided to run a marathon. My dad is an Ironman Triathlete. At 60 years old, he completed what is widely considered to be the most difficult one-day sporting event in the world, consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a full 26.2-mile…