The Little League World Series, a kids dream to be at besides Disneyworld. Every kid that plays Little League wants to work hard to get to there. Some kids don’t even make it passed their city championships, but they set their goals so high so they can make it to Williamsport. It’s not just only in the United States, it is international. Kids around the world get to participate in it. There is so many positive influences about the Little League World Series, from the lifetime friend ships with kids around the world, to the respect the kids have in their home towns. The Little League Baseball World Series is an annual baseball tournament for children aged 11 to 12 years old. It was originally called the National Little League Tournament and…
Boston men teams like the New England Patriots and Boston Celtics. It might also be that men sports have been around for a heck of a lot longer than women sports. But the biggest reason is because women are still viewed as lesser compared to the men teams. According to CNN, the average salary for a WNBA player is $72,000, while the average NBA player salary is $5 million dollars. These numbers are also uneven at the college level. Men get $190 million dollars more per year in athletic…
World Series Athletics have always been an important aspect of my life along with my family's life. Everyone in my family played multiple sports in elementary, middle, and high school. Our father was always pushing us to practice and play harder. My father was a very athletic man throughout his sports career. He started in high school as a baseball, track, and football star. Though he had received scholarship offers in all three, his love for football was tenacious. He went on to start as a…
as the,National association of professional baseball players. It was soon changing to the, national league of professional baseball players, as the amateur clubs drifted from the baseball scene, it became the National League which operates today. Beginning in 1900, baseball entered a dark period known as the, dead ball era. This period lasted until 1919, which was characterized by low scoring, pitcher dominated games that offered little in the way of entertainment for stadium crowds. During…
gamblers to throw the World Series away. It is considered today as one of the biggest scandals in Major League Baseball history, along with the Pete Rose cheating scandal. As for the trial, some parts were fair, but they were treated to harshly at the time being. The 1919 World Series was played between the Chicago White Sox (Black Sox), and the Cincinnati Reds. The White Sox were predicted to win the World Series in an easy fashion according…
Picture a world where the U.S. had only 45 states, where women could not vote, where the television and the radio did not exist. It is hard to imagine such a place, but it did exist. It existed 108 years ago when the Chicago Cubs last won the World Series (Cooper). Since then fans have looked near and far for an explanation as to why their beloved team could not win the World Championship. The most common and widely accepted cause for the Cubs’ failure is the Curse of the Billy Goat.…
The Lifelong Journey To World Championships Albert Bluford “Rube” Walker was born May 16th, 1926 in Lenoir into a poor family. His father would bring home string every day from his job and wrap it around a golf ball until it was the size of a baseball so the children would have baseballs to play with. Despite not having a legitimate, so to speak, baseball to play with Walker showed potential in his childhood. Walker grew up a hardworking individual working on his family’s farm in order to…
remake and/or the sequel. The Major League trilogy is a perfect example of my opinion of the quote, that in fact the original is better than the sequels. The first Major League movie focuses in on a bunch of goof-off baseball players playing for the Cleveland Indians who were designed to finish so low in the standings, that the owner would move the team to Florida, and with that get rid of all the bad players, and replace them with the best players in the game. Throughout the first part of…
seventh and final game of the Major League Baseball World Series featuring the Miami Marlins and the Los Angeles Dodgers. Due to an injury in the pitching rotation for the Dodgers, José Rodriguez has been called up from the minor leagues to pitch if he is needed. This is a very interesting decision by the Dodger’s coach, Dave Roberts. There is nothing more risky in baseball than possibly putting the fate of your long, grueling season in the hands of a rookie. However, more intriguing than this…
in Major League Baseball. Albert Bluford “Rube” Walker Junior was a Major League Baseball player for the Chicago Cubs in addition to a lifelong minor league and major league coach for several teams: the Los Angeles Dodgers, Washington Senators, New York Mets, and the Atlanta Braves. Son of Albert and Beulah Walker, the elder brother to Verlon Lee and Leslie Boyce; Rube was another child to carry on their dad’s past of being a semipro catcher in his younger days. From the time Rube was a young…