One would think two land grant universities, both located in the central to western part of the United States would be similar. Surprisingly, that is not the case as Kansas State University and the University of Wyoming have few similarities. While K-State and UW are both exceptional colleges, with advantages and disadvantages for each school, UW outranks K-State based on the criteria of cost, academics and location. One of the most important factors analyzed in a college making decision is cost and the University of Wyoming is much more reasonably priced than Kansas State. According to a website titled “Kansas State University vs The University of Wyoming,” 87% of freshman at UW received and used grant aid. That amount was much lower for K-State at a reading of only 70%. The statistics for students on grant aid are important as grants do not need to be repaid and help reduce the burden of student loans after graduation. Since both schools are located out of state, the out of state tuition costs are an important point of comparison. According to the University of Wyoming website, the tuition costs are $14,875 a year, and the estimated…
and African Americans. The turning point in this educational reform came when the Land Grant College Act was passed in 1862 allowing many of the new age colleges to be built. This act granted each congressional…
Angel, a cast bronze sculpture made by Stephen De Staebler brought to Iowa State University in 1986 commissioned by phi kappa phi honors society. This piece has had a rich love hate relationship with many throughout its years on campus. Many considered it obnoxious and gaudy or just straight up hideous. Others viewed it as beautiful, majestic or relatable a complete contrast to the others opinions. It left some groups wanting it to be removed or sold to someone else and others wanted to see it…
The Home of Human Sciences Annie Danielson a wise philosopher once said, “Home is where our story begins” and so our story will begin. Home is anywhere a person can be themselves and can feel comfortable there without feeling pressured. When Human Science majors think of their home at Iowa State they think of one building in particular, Palmer, the Human Development and Family Studies Building. Palmer is the utmost significant place on campus for Human Science majors because of the history of…
A federal grant is monetary funding awarded by the United States Federal Government to a recipient for humanitarian purposes or for the good of the general population. Federal Grants have specific guidelines and failure to follow these mandated guidelines can lead to severe legal impact for the recipient. These grants are awarded to state and county governments or to not for profit organizations. Individuals and businesses do not qualify for federal grants directly. These grants are…
The buddy system is when you have a person who is a reputable figure in the community and is there in order to acquire grant money. This person would be your right hand in the formation of the program. The buddy system will allow more insight on how to achieve money for the program. Grant money will become the foundation for Power Paws. After, Power Paws should be in full business where we no longer need grants but small donations would gladly be appreciated. A small group of people will start…
For me, the understanding and colouring of the modern history of Blackstone Lake starts with the stories and biographies of the settlers that tamed and worked the land surrounding the lake. As they did so, a historical framework of personalities, knowledge of the of the lake and a system of morals developed. I started out to answer what seemed to be some major questions to ask the archives and of history itself. They being the origins of each settler, why they or their ancestors came to Canada,…
Indonesia is one of the countries with abundance of natural resources with large populations. According to World Bank (2013) Indonesia is lower middle income country with GDP around 868.3 billion US dollar and the population is 249.9 million, while poverty headcount ration at national poverty line is 11.3% on 2014. The contention appear that this wealth resources country get the benefit or even get worse with the plenty of their natural resources. The economic growth in Indonesia in period…
For many of us, conflict over natural resources is not a part of everyday life. But in many places around the world, access to natural resources cannot be taken for granted. Conflict over natural resources is often part of a larger struggle over political, social, and economic power. The control over water, land, and oil has economically and socially changed the world. They have been used to secure power because of how important they are to society. The consequences for wrongly abusing these…
discrimination for many African Americans in the south. The novel two main characters are Grant a well-educated black man who is a teacher and Jefferson a young black man who is accused of a heinous crime and is on death row. The Novel also has other main characters who play important roles in the story such as Tante Lou - Grant’s aunt and Miss Emma Jefferson’s godmother. The reader can witness that that Grant and Jefferson both undergo significant transformations through the novel.…