weapons or threaten another war. Because of this presence, it is up to the American military and their alliances to maintain peace and freedom of navigation specifically in the South China Sea (Harris). The Korean peninsula is in an unstable state, due to the current actions of North Korea, including…
the years of military dictatorships. The man has to patrol around the ironically dangerous Korean Demilitarized Zone, a mix of beautiful mountain wildlife and dangerous mines, for his family, friends, and countrymen. A couple of days ago, the small Korean penninsula was hit with big news; Germany was close to reunifying again, after years of separation during the Cold War. The young man, still idealistic and young, wonders whether the two Koreas will ever be unified like Germany while staring…
When World War II ended the Japanese ended their ruling in Korea. It was then when the peninsula was divided in half on the 38th parallel gridline. The north fell under the Soviet Union and the south under the United Nations/United States. The North Korean state was founded three years after it was divided on September 9, 1948. The military branches of the DPRK consist of North Korean People’s Army, Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force, and the Civil Security Forces. It has only been in one…
On August 8, 1945, the world would hear major event about a country. On that day, it was not good for the country of Korea. Many people ask why this is a bad event in Korea. On that day, the unthinkable happened; Korea split. The country would soon be called North and South Korea. The wall built, the demilitarized zone or the DMZ, would not cause war yet. Since Korea forged the DMZ to separate the countries to prevent war, it put each country in a neutral state. The DMZ placed both countries…
strongly repressed all free speech, press/media, and freedom in North Korea. He made him self look like a God to his people and they treated him as such. During his time in power, the North Korean economy plummeted, leaving almost the entire country in famine and poverty. Even with the lack of resources Kim Jung- ils people still loved and respected him because of the way he deceived them. After his death, his son Kim Jung un was brought to power in 2011. Kim Jung Un is one of the youngest…
South Korea South Korea was once one of the poorest country in its region, its development over the past fifty years is remarkable considering its dark history. The peninsula, that was once a part of the Japanese Empire became the property of The Soviets and The Americans after World War ll. The possession of this country between these two opposing world forces only laid the foundation for further conflict. With The Soviets believing in Communism and the Americans practicing Capitalism…
Well, on that day the unthinkable happened, Korea split into two countries. That country would soon be called North and South Korea. They had to build a wall in the 39th parallel so that the countries would fight and hurt any of their loyal citizens in the country.They called this wall the demilitarized zone or the DMZ. This was the first time in history that had to have a dedicated DMZ to separate a country from going into war. This wall is built and has not caused war yet in any of the…
the agreement allowed POWs to live wherever they want; drew a new boundary near the 38th parallel, giving South Korea an extra 1,500 square miles of territory; and created a 2-mile wide demilitarized zone (DMZ) Nearly 5-million people died, more than half of these-about 10 percent of Korea’s pre-war population-were civilians. Almost 40,000 Americans died, more than 100,000 were wounded. Even though an armistice was signed, there was no official peace treaty; technically the Korean War hasn’t…
Daily Life of North Korea Under a Centrally Planned Economy Throughout reading the book Nothing To Envy Ordinary - Lives In North Korea Barbara Demick depicts the everyday lives that go on in the regime that has been created under North Korean communist power. The book shows many of the economic factors that took place in the beginning and current state of North Korea. With the extreme government regulation that North Koreans experience, there is a lack of basic human rights, poverty, and…
Division. 18 months into his tour in Japan tensions had erupted between the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) in the north and the ROK (Republic of Korea) in the south when the North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea. The Soviet backed North Korean forces appeared unstoppable during the initial invasion of South Korea. They easily rolled past the poorly equipped South Korean army, and had occupied almost the entire peninsula in the span of two short months. The…