his book, “Becoming Attached” that John Bowlby, a British psychoanalyst, who introduced attachment theory was influenced from Konrad Lorenz’s work. Konrad Lorenz, an Austrian zoologist, applied an experiment called imprinting on goslings. The theory states that when an animal is born, they believe their parent to be the first moving being they see upon hatching and have bond with them. The theory analyses the attachment behaviours of duck right after hatching. Within a certain time following birth, the attachment has to form. According to Lorenz, imprinting, in particularly birds, occurs between 13 and 16 hours after hatching. This is the critical period. Within 32 hours if no attachment has formed then any sort of attachment is unlikely to develop but once the attachment is formed it can not be broken. He experimented by dividing eggs laid by a graylag goose into two groups. The first group which was hatched by their mother started following her around straightaway. The second group was hatched in the absence of their mother. Instead, they were placed in an incubator, have imprinted Lorenz as their mother and started following him. Lorenz then segregated the goslings from their mother and himself by placing them in a box. However, they would unvaryingly separate toward the one whom they were initially exposed, whether be their mother or toward Lorenz. Based on the ethological notions, Bowlby included biological basis for his conviction that a child needs a consistent…
Aggression, has been the representation of something diabolical, and destructive for humans and animals as we know it. But what is the cause of aggression; is it instinct, the means of self defense, and sexual reproduction (Konrad Lorenz), or is it a trait learned through reinforcement and punishment (E.O Wilson)? Humans have learned to repress their behaviour to comply to the society, does this make them different compared to animals? Pushed to the limits, is when aggression becomes exposed.…
knew which group were the ‘thieves’ and which group were the ‘controls’. Bowlby also asked parents to remember information from the past which could be inaccurate or distorted due to time and the parents own perceptions. Bowlby was very much influenced by another psychologist by the name of Konrad Lorenz. Lorenz studied instinctive behaviour in animals. He had introduced the theory of imprinting by carrying out a study with geese which showed strong evidence that attachment was innate.…
and Konrad Lorenz studied the development and behavior of animals as a means to understanding human developmental processes. B.F Skinner was a behaviorist and Konrad Lorenz was an ethnologist. Both theorists’ approaches have limitations and benefits. B.F Skinner being a behaviorist and an environmentalist was very concerned with how environments controlled behavior, and as a result he conducted many tests using operant condition (Crain, 2016). Unlike classical conditioning, you cannot always…
Most notably are Konrad Zuse’s machines. The “Z” machines were designed in Berlin between 1936 and 1941. Zuse’s Z1 machine has been called the first computer in the world. “His decision to build the machines were for exploiting the main ideas of working with binary numbers and the control unit being separated from the storage”(Rojas Konrad, 5). The Z1 was the first programmable computer of German history. Although it was unreliable “the Z1 showed that the architectural design was sound, which…
German engineer Konrad Zuse, one of the world’s leading computer designer, managed to create a binary electromechanical computer known as the Z2. Although initially drafted as a German soldier, the Germans saw potential in Zuse and recruited him to be a German engineer. With the previous model Z1 being purely mechanical, the Z2 was the first operational programmable computer. This computer incorporated the binary system, yet on of its downside was that it was slow. His plan to compensate this…
Both having a strict communist past, Russia and China can be considered Comrades. While the two share similar economic policies and political ideals, they have gone on separate paths since the late 20th century, some changes being more capitalism and others not. Government influence is in essentially all markets, and the fiscal policies set by Russia and China and patron-clientelism are no exception. Fiscal policies dictate how much the government spends and how much it taxes. A key difference…
Something that will never truly have any static definition throughout history is Economic Freedom. What may assist in defining these freedoms is the present Government, and today’s society, which means it’s always vastly changing. Today’s Society and present Government is always changing at a rapid pace. Some things that need to be recognized and addressed are Race, Creed, Gender and Religion, these characteristics are all factors that are used to define their place in the hierarchy of Society…
Konrad Zuse was a German civil engineer from Technical University in Berlin. Zuse invented the first automatic calculating machine during 1935-1938 and called it V1 and it was the size of a pool table. Zuse later changed the name to Z1 so that it would not be confused with the German rocket V1. Z1 was a binary mechanical calculator; it executed instructions read from punch cards and metallic shafts that could shift from position 0 to 1 (O 'Regan). Zuse invented Z1 to speed up calculation while…
I have always liked computers since I got my first one. I am even using a computer to write this paper. There have recently been many advancements in computers in recent years. There have been some very important people and new applications made possible by these people. Computers have been made smaller, faster, lighter, and stronger and have made things in the medical field, military field, and for normal use possible that were not possible a few years ago. We have made more advances in…